Page 26 of Unexpectedly Yours

“Oh,” her mom said. “Oh. Well, that’s okay.”

“What?” Meg had gone from smug to psychotic in a split second. “Josh is too much for her to handle.”

“Handle what?” Caroline heard herself say. “There’s no handling going on.”Anymore at least.

Meg hopped off the stool and poured two glasses of wine. One for herself and one for their mother. None for Caroline. “It’s not a good idea.”

“What, us being friends?” Caroline was really getting pissed. Her life was being tossed around like a football. “Since when is this your decision, Meg? Not to mention I see him all the time, because you married his brother, should I just ignore that?”

That got her. Meg was reaching for “I’m your big sister. I’m supposed to look out for you.”

“Looking out for me doesn’t include telling me how to run my life. Who I see is my business, not yours.”

“Do you understand what you’re doing?”

“Meg, there’s nothing to understand. It was fucking pizza! End of story.”

“Caroline!” her mother yelled. “Your language!”

“My language?” Caroline stood and went to grab her purse and jacket from the hook in the adjacent mudroom, then returned to her mother and sister. “Mom, in case you haven’t noticed, Meg curses like a fifteen-year-old boy.”

Putting on her jacket, Caroline took out her cell and threw her purse over her shoulder. “Here’s the deal... I’m leaving. When you two accept the fact that I’m an adult, who has her own mind, who can curse when she wants to, see who she wants to, I’ll come back.”

Meg leaned back against the island. “How are you going to get to the train? You don’t have a car.”

“Seriously?” she asked, holding up her cell phone. “You know, I do have one of these. It’s an amazing device. Watch.” Pressing the button, she continued. Sarcastically. “Did you know there’s an app for that?”

Thank you, Uber. Screw her sister.

“It’s a lovely service. They’ll send a car to take me to the train for a nominal fee.”

“When did you become so damn sarcastic? I’m only trying to help!”

“I guess you rubbed off on me, Meg.”

“Caroline, please,” her mother implored. “Don’t leave.”

“Sorry, Mom. I’ll call you.” Kissing her mother on the cheek, Caroline headed for the door. She didn’t expect to run into Jason, Molly and Josh coming in from Molly’s soccer game.

“Aunt Caroline! We won!”

“Hey, sweetie. That’s great!”

“Where are you going?” Molly asked. “I want to show you the town I built with my Legos.”

“I have to go, Mol. I’m not...” She looked up at Josh. “I’m not feeling well. I’m going to go home.”

“You feel fine,” Meg called out. “You’re running.”

Josh’s eyebrows shot up. “Why are you running?”

“Because I’ve had enough,” she said.

“What the hell happened?” Jason asked Meg whose hands were braced behind her as she leaned back into the counter.

“Did you know your brother had dinner with my sister on Friday?”

Jason grinned. “As a matter of fact, I did. They had pizza at the loft.”