Page 53 of Playing with Fire

He knew it had been more than once. Alastor was a perceptive asshole.

"No judgment," he said as he held up his hands. "But it is only your blood that will close it."

"I know," I admitted. "I went back to Tartus and found out how to close it. That is where I've been."

His goal was my goal. It made little sense not to work together.

"We will have to go at dusk, when the demons leave the clearing. They have made camp at the portal." Alastor leaned forward again. His face was animated, hoping we could fix this.

"I already promised I would do this with Samantha." Her name tumbled strangely from my lips. I liked the ring to it.

"Are you sure that is a good idea?"

Of course, it was a bad idea. I was full of self-destructive ideas.



Sleep evaded me.The image of Alastor and Sam never left my head. She had spent a lot of time with him recently. Not that she had stopped flirting with me and even visiting my bed once or twice over the last week. It was just because it was him, and I knew how he felt about her.

I stared out the large floor-to-ceiling windows, a nightcap of whiskey in my grip. I swirled the golden liquid around before I took a sip. Maybe it would do the trick. Movement on the street below caught my attention, and I realized it wasn't my imagination conjuring her. Samantha was strolling toward the front doors of Fantasia. To me.

Dropping the glass to the nightstand, I went to answer the door. She rang the doorbell once moments before I swung open the door. She jumped slightly, her eyes going wide when she saw me.

"Were you waiting for me?" she asked with a nervous sounding laugh.

"I saw you coming," I said with a shrug like my heart hadn't started racing inside my chest the moment she came into view.She was like a shot of adrenaline. My drug of choice was the way she made me feel.

She rolled her lips between her teeth as she held back a promising smile. "I'm surprised you are still up."

"Couldn't sleep. I have a lot on my mind."

"Want to talk about it?"

Talking wasn't something that we normally did. We flirted and fucked. That was about it. But the hope that flickered in her eyes told me that maybe, just maybe, we had turned a corner in our relationship. She was here because she wanted to talk or listen.

"Yeah, let me pour us a drink," I said and led the way over to the bar. Showing off a little bit, because I can't help it, I hopped over the wooden surface to reach the bottles. "What you having?"

"A coke?" Her voice lilted in a question, and I lifted an eyebrow. She nibbled on her lower lip as she lifted her green eyes to me.

"One coke coming up," I said, hiding my surprise. She wanted to be sober and talk. I filled up two glasses and popped a cherry on a sword across hers before pushing it across the surface to her. Her eyes lit up, and she smiled as she plucked the sword off of the drink and sucked the cherry off. Stem and all. She chewed for a moment and then stuck out her tongue, the stem tied in a knot. "Talented." I smirked.

She grinned. "I know. Just one of my many abilities. So what is on your mind?"

You. "The portal and closing it."Keeping you safe. I took a sip of the sugary soda. "What brings you here in the middle of the night?"

"You mean at the butt crack of dawn?" She laughed. There was something a little off about it.

"Sam, you can talk to me," I said.

"I slept with the Demon Prince, again, when I am supposed to be capturing him. I'm pretty sure my parents didn't mean to capture him with my pussy." She rolled her eyes. Her drink was still untouched on the counter between us as she lifted guilty eyes to me.

"Bellamy has his charms," I said carefully. I would not judge her for that. Hell, if it made her even a little happy, I'd encourage her to do it again.

"I don't even know what it is. It doesn't feel like I'm out of my control when I attack him with my mouth." She sighed. "I mean, I'm desperate to get out of my clothes. I think there is something wrong with me." She dropped her head in her hands. "I want my cake, and I want to eat it too," she mumbled into her palms.

Silence fell between us as I waited for whatever else she wanted to tell me. I was a good listener, it came with the job. Finally, she lifted her head and met my gaze steadily.