Page 39 of Playing with Fire

It hurt to move.There was no way I could go hunt tonight. Instead, I curled up on the couch in my parents' home with a soft blanket and the TV remote. I didn't indulge in watching shows much, although a good binge session was good for my mental health. I turned on one of my favorites,Point Break, made before I was even born, before my parents even met. Still, it was a great storyline, even if the graphics were pretty horrible.

The movie was half over, and my popcorn was long gone, and I needed a drink. Pausing the movie, I ventured into the kitchen for a soda. It was strange having the house to myself. Ty had a shift at the station, and my parents were out for the weekend. At least we had wards set up by a witch surrounding the house, so I would know if something entered them.

Cracking open the can, the bubbly goodness of the carbonated drink fizzled on my tongue. My mind drifted to Lex and Alastor. I hadn't heard from them. I assumed since one was a God and the other a demigod, I wouldn't need to worry about them, but I did anyway.

The sound of the lock being unlocked and the doorknob twisting had my feet carrying me to the foyer to eye the door suspiciously. The nearest weapon I had was a makeshift club out of an umbrella. Hoisting it up to my shoulder like a bat, I waited for the door to swing open. It was the slowest entrance ever as it gradually swung wide. I readied myself to knock out whoever was coming in. A dark jacket and head of hair was the only thing I saw before I whipped the makeshift club through the air.

"Shit, Sammy!" Raiden yelped as he caught sight of me.

His arm full of bags crashed to the floor around us as he ducked. He held onto one of them with a death grip as my brain registered that I almost hit him with the umbrella.

"What the fuck, Rai!" I yelled. "I could have really hurt you."

He knelt to the floor and started gathering up the veggies that had rolled across the floor. He glanced up at me through his bangs. "A little jumpy tonight?" He gave me that grin that made my panties wet, although he didn't know it had that effect on me.

"What is all of this?" I eyed the green pepper in his hand before lifting my gaze to his face.

"I know you had a rough morning, and I figured you wouldn't feed yourself anything but junk," he said, lifting an eyebrow at my soda placed on the foyer table as if just the presence of it proved his point. "So, I bought some stuff to make fajitas."

"Those are my favorite!"

"I know."

Warmth spread in my chest as I helped him gather the rest of the supplies and carried them into the kitchen. He might not love me in the way I wished he did, but he obviously cared. People that didn't care wouldn't randomly bring food to feed you. I leaned against the counter and watched him wash the vegetables before placing them on the cutting board. His long fingers flexed over the peppers as he moved, and it fascinated me.

"So—" I trailed off, I wasn't even sure what I was going to say. Licking my lips, I was silent for a few seconds. "Earlier when you rescued me, you wanted to tell me something."

He shrugged. "It was nothing."

Slight disappointment ballooned my heart before popping inside my chest. "Of course." Maybe I should rip the Band-Aid off and tell him I knew he heard me masturbating to his image, so that we could just go back to normal and this awkward energy that seemed to plague us would go away. Or it could just make it a million times worse.

"Why don't you go relax? I'll let you know when it's done," he said. He shot me a small smile, and I nodded, rolling my lips between my teeth. I turned away, so I didn't say something stupid.

Plopping back onto the couch, I curled my feet under me and wrapped myself in my fuzzy blanket. I turned back onPoint Break, but I couldn't focus on Johnny Utah's hotness—because Keanu Reeves was hot—with Raiden moving around in the other room. The sounds coming from the other room toyed with my imagination. I was positive the rustling of clothing was not him stripping down naked to bring me food, but the image my brain conjured made my tummy flip nervously. Giving up on the movie completely, I focused all of my attention on the slightest movements from the kitchen.

After about twenty minutes, plates clinking together as Raiden pulled them from the cabinet joined the rest of the symphony of his actions. The smell of fajitas had my mouth watering before he appeared in the doorway with both plates and two bottles of Corona in his hands.

"I thought you could use some alcohol to numb the pain."

"Only if you have a lime," I said as I reached for a plate and a bottle.

He sat next to me on the couch, and it made me hyper-aware of him, not that I hadn't already been aware of every single movement. But now he was right next to me, not even a space away.Don't make this weird.He held up a slice of lime, and I grinned. Plucking it from between his fingers, I squeezed it into my bottle and swirled the beer around with the newly gained lime. I licked my fingers, innocently I might add, when I caught his gaze, his complete attention focused on my lips. A little zing of energy zapped through me at the perusal.

Ignore it.

After digging into the chicken fajitas, made exactly how I loved them, I chewed happily asPoint Breakplayed in the background.

"You are obsessed with that guy," he said. He nodded toward the TV, and I lifted my eyes to see Keanu on the screen, looking wet and fine as hell, but still nothing compared to the man sitting next to me.

"I am not." Half my beer was gone, and I was feeling a little buzz from drinking it so quickly. I wasn't a drinker in general, so even a tiny bit could get my head fuzzy.

"No?Devil's Advocate, Speed, Constantine, Matrix, John Wick—" He ticked the movies off on his fingers.

"Who wouldn't love a movie about a guy that seeks revenge for the death of his dog?" I crossed my arms defensively.

His gaze dropped to my breasts, and it reminded me I was not wearing a bra. The traitorous hussies beneath my shirt pebbled under his intense stare. I watched as his Adam's apple bobbed in a swallow, and he pulled his gaze away to focus on the TV screen. He was so close, it would be so easy to reach across the distance and ruin our friendship. Because that was what would happen.

It would make him run for the hills. I had so many reasons for not pursuing what I wanted. The first being, I couldn't havean actual relationship, not if I didn't want to hurt anyone when I died; it was always a possibility in this line of work. Sure, my parents were alive and well, but my aunts had died young. And a few cousins that I trained with hadn’t made it long, either. Depressing really. Number two reason, which was a very close second, was not wanting to destroy my current friendship with him. The most I could offer him would be one night, and I was positive that we would never be the same again.