Page 37 of Playing with Fire

They smelled him on her. The light bulb turned on as I realized she was right. They wouldn't want to anger him and hurt someone he had marked. If he had marked her, seeing her bruised like she was would probably send him on a rampage of revenge.

"What did they say?" Ty asked, clueless to the situation.

Her eyes drew together as she frowned. "I don't think it is important," she said, waving off his question.

"Sam—" he started again.

"Drop it, Ty."

His mouth popped open. He shot me a look that said, 'dude, back me up', but I shook my head slightly, and he looked back at her. "Fine. But we are telling Mom and Dad what happened."



Everything I knewabout dragons told me that her guardian would have a makeshift cave nearby, and it would have some sort of wards protecting it. Which meant I just needed to find it and set off the wards, and he would come to protect his stuff, then we could have a conversation. Cerberus trotted along next to me in his glamour as we traversed the city streets. We entered the industrial area, closer to Lex's club. We should have started in this area. Unless he had gutted a house, none of them would be big enough for his dragon.

Maybe he would be out with Samantha again tonight. If he smelled Bellamy on her, he was probably never going to leave her side. If I didn't find his hiding place, I would go to Fantasia once it opened and wait. Luckily, when we came around the next corner, the wards were hard to miss. A large gray building stood in front of us, surrounded by the red brick of the other structures. It stood out, but what made it notable was the roof, it wasn't normal. It appeared to open up. Most likely, part of the dragons’ need to have a quick escape if needed.

Cerberus let out a low whine, and I absently patted his head. "Looks like we hit the jackpot, Cer," I murmured.

I was curious what treasures the dragon would have. Stepping past his wards, I easily unlocked the door and stepped inside. This would bring the dragon to us.

An enormous pile of treasure made up of gems and jewels was in the far corner. Littered around the large cavernous room were other items that were probably things his beast found value in. On the opposite side of the space appeared to be a large TV, couches, a gaming system with a surround sound that would make even the biggest gamer jealous, and a small kitchenette off to the side. Two doorways led off the space. I peeked into the first to find a spacious bathroom, the second held a bed that was probably big enough for his dragon to curl up on and sleep comfortably if he wanted.

It was a bachelor's pad on steroids.

Surveying the area, I relaxed on the sofa as I waited for him. He arrived pretty quickly. When he burst through the door ready for a fight, I leaned forward, my hands hanging loose between my legs and my elbows firmly on my knees.

"That took you longer than I expected," I said, as his fiery gaze landed on me.

"What are you doing in my space?" A puff of smoke escaped with his words. I held up my hands as I leaned back again.

"I just want to talk about a demon issue," I replied. Being burned to a crisp was not on my list of things to do today.

"What do you know about them?" He crossed the room, and his form towered over my seated position.

"They have a portal that allows them to travel here freely. Lex and I tried to close it. But it needs demon blood. Yours might work," I replied calmly. I had no reason to hide anything from him.

"I'm not—"

"A demon? No, but you are a dragon, your land borders theirs in Tartus. Some believe that dragons are a by-product ofthe demons, or vice versa, depending on who you talk to. What do you believe?" I studied him, and he looked away, dragging his fingers through his hair.

"I'm not a demon," he replied. The steam had left him.

"So, dragons created the demons?"

"Can you get to your point?"

"Mypointis either way, your blood may be strong enough to stop the steady stream of demons entering this world. The one you now call home. Do your parents know you are still alive, Raiden of the Kinley tribe?" My hands clasped loosely in my lap.

His eyes went wide, and he glanced around before bringing his gaze back to mine. “My parents are dead. How do you know who I am?"

I lifted an eyebrow as I watched him silently. "I'm familiar with dragon-kin and am aware of any that are assumed dead, like you. Imagine my surprise when I found you here, acting as a bodyguard for our exquisite Demon Hunter. At first it didn't click, but then I realized it all made sense. Of course, you would help the single person responsible for killing demons. Are you hoping that if someone comes looking for you, she will eliminate them before they can take word back?"

"You don't know what you are talking about." He paced away, his movements jerky as emotion took over. "No dragon-kin have come here."

"But they will if that portal stays open. They've been here before, taking over caves and mountains. You know how they can be once they claim something. Nothing will stop them from staying." If he heard the double meaning in my words, he ignored them.