Page 20 of Deadly Intentions

Her weary eyes followed mine as I looked to the side. When I turned back to her, she was the one smirking now. “You’ll never see me placed inside of that fucking stone, however, you can get off by deluding yourself into thinking you will. You see, your life is literally in the palm of my hand. I can make it miserable, or very pleasurable.” I stopped to stroke her clit with the pad of my thumb. “The choice is entirely up to you.”

“Are you sure about that?” she asked me.

I ripped my hand away, then fisted her hair. After yanking her head back, I leaned in and kissed along her neck. “I’m positive, Viviana. I’ve already imagined how I would end your life.”

“As I have about you,” she retorted, then moaned when I bit down into her succulent flesh.

“You have no heart that I’ve been able to find, so I will slice this pretty little throat wide open.”

She moaned again. This was all a game to her, but it wasn’t to me. She technically had set everything into motion that day with Stefano, and in our world, the sentence was death. I spared her life and would continue to do so because I wanted something from her. Once I got the heir I was marrying her for, she’d be of no further use other than to get me off. Luckily for her, she kept me hard.

“Do you want to hear how I could kill you, Viviana?” At her moan, I continued, “You like the cut of a knife. I forgot. Your wet pussy would probably come as you bleed out. Would it not?”


I didn’t have one on me but as my gaze moved from one end of the mausoleum to the other, I found something else to use on her instead. I turned to see her staring up at me with such need in her eyes. The orgasm before would never be enough. I used to walk the halls and hear her screams when she was with my father. Granted, most of those orgasms were forced, but they still got me hard and kept me that way until I took out my frustration on one of the squillos.

Loud rumbles of thunder exploded overhead right as a bolt of lightning shot through the bar window above the door. I turned from it back to Viviana who was visibly shaking. The fear I had hoped to elicit was finally shining in her eyes, but not from anything I did. She was scared of thunderstorms. I chuckled, and she shot me a warning glare.

I could’ve teased her, but I didn’t. I swept her up and laid her atop the stone casket that would one day house my own body. Right now, I was alive and breathing, and soon, she would be glad for that once I was pounding her tight pussy. She was soaked in sweat while goosebumps rose on her flesh. I dragged two fingers from her breasts to her belly. One day, she would carry my child inside of her. Viviana had no idea why I spared her life, but she would eventually.

Tonight, it was all about finishing what I started. I continued to stare down at her. She was cold, the night air and dankness of this mausoleum making her shiver. I walked a few steps over and picked up one of the candles she so generously lit earlier. Her eyes widened, but she lay still. I knew that my father used all kinds of things on her, so I doubted she would be scared of a little wax. I set it down beside her body and grabbed the small set of wooden steps. I brought it in front of her, then kneeled on the top one.

“Spread your legs,” I told her, and she immediately complied.

I wanted to taste her earlier, so I lowered my head between her legs. My tongue swept upward, then into her as I speared her core. She was so fucking addictive, and the mewling noises she made only made me want her more. I ate ravenously at her flesh before raising and picking up the candle.

I tipped it over her skin, starting just above her breasts and moving lower. I coated each nipple, and the soft hisses she made were like music to my ears. She arched her upper body in both an offering and silent plea. I continued to dip the candle over and over, coating her flawless skin with the white wax. Eventually, I lowered the candle even more, but before I tipped it, I used my other hand to spread her lower lips apart.

“Cazzo!” she cried out when the first drop made contact with her sensitive flesh.

I tipped the candle completely at this point, letting the wax rain down on her. She writhed, and afraid she’d fall off of her throne, I held her body down. “Breathe,” I instructed, and watched as she struggled to do so.

Eventually, she did, and I blew the flame out. I tossed it off to the side, then used my hand and fingers to start peeling away the thick coat of wax covering her pussy. Once I had removed almost all of it, I moved atop the casket with her. I positioned myself at her entrance, then slammed forward in the exact moment I grabbed her by the throat.

She clamped down around me as I thrust into her repeatedly. This angle allowed me to get so deep inside of her, and each forceful one made her wince. I loosened my hold on her neck and brought my hands to her face as I covered her body completely. The storm continued to rage outside, and I smirked as I imagined it being my father’s wrath over not only what I had done to him, but what I was continuing to do with the mistress he wanted to marry for another heir.

I suppose that father and son were not too different after all when it came to certain things. Then again, I knew she pictured me when coming for him, so we were not the same when it came to important ones. “Say my name,” I urged as she climbed higher toward the peak.

“Nazario, she breathed, and I slammed into her one final time.

We both groaned as we came, my seed filling her tight channel. I continued to pump into her until every ounce had been wrung from me. After, I slid out of her, then moved back to my feet. She still lay there, boneless and spent, so I grabbed her things from the floor, and noticed the robe and panties were tattered. I did the next best thing which was to grab my shirt after I put my pants back on. I helped her down and put the shirt on. When we got to the door, the storm had relented, so I picked her up and hurried to the house with her before the next wave came in.


The next week was spent doing much of the same. I would have bouts where I would be overcome with such nausea, and then I would be fine. I had ingested enough pills to last a lifetime, it seemed, and if I could only get rid of this tiredness, then I would feel a hell of a lot better. It would also help if Nazario wasn’t so damn insatiable. The man could fuck like a machine. Each night when I thought he was finished and I could finally go to sleep, I’d get awakened by his tongue, fingers, or cock inside of me. I supposed there were worst ways to be woken up, but I barely had time to catch my breath.

It had been that way since Stefano died. I had always felt as if I was in control when with him, but his son was a different story altogether. Even before Nazario murdered his father, he’d been a literal pain somewhere. I ached for him, then because of him. If nothing else, that still remained the same. It should’ve been comforting, yet it was not. If I wasn’t careful, my thirst for revenge could be quenched by something else, something wholly worst. If I didn’t watch myself, I could fall in love with the monster.

“That would be monumentally stupid,” I had told myself the night before.

I needed to stop getting so excited to see him... to be with him...

If not, I would lose the only card I had left. He and I both knew one day he would kill me. It was inevitable. That day would come so much sooner if I ever became that subservient doormat men like him discarded like trash. No, my sass presented a challenge to him, and as long as I stayed one, he wouldn’t bore of me.

“One of these days, I’m going to break you so beautifully,”he’d whispered into my ear the night before when we were leaving the dining room after dinner.

“Or maybe your arrogance will be the only thing shattered,”I’d retorted.