Page 13 of Deadly Intentions

“Are you serious?”I’d asked.

“She’s earned it, and unless I’m given some reason to doubt that, she will be my wife,”had been his answer.

I didn’t even want to think about what she’d had to do to earn that title, that so many others before her had tried and failed to obtain. It would’ve been amusing knowing that she hated him as much as I did so he’d essentially been had, but I couldn’t even shake her, and I didn’t know why. All I wanted was to run this organization and make Stefano pay for past regressions at the same time. I sure as hell didn’t need to involve myself in the head of someone so twisted that they lay in bed with a man each night only to plot his demise, likely while they were doing the act.

She was so fucking responsive, and had I not been laser focused on power, I might’ve dragged her back into my bed so that I could make her come.

The things I could do that body of hers would make even the most adventurous of females blush, or cower as some have done in the past for much less. I could make her forget this scheme she was running, along with her name as she screamed the roof right off the damn building. She obviously liked it rough, and I could manhandle her so sinfully that she would beg for more, and I’d be more than happy to oblige her. The trouble with Viviana outside of the fact that she’d already gotten in my way more than once was that she’d be nothing more than a broken shell once revenge had been served.

If I couldn’t afford the distraction of her at her best, I sure as hell couldn’t when she was at her worst. I desired power and control, and she couldn’t help me achieve them. As far as I was concerned, she was more trouble than she was worth, so I’d have to do better at resisting her in the future. I couldn’t fuck her as I had the night before in the pool and still keep her at arm’s length. It felt too damn good inside of her. Now, I know how Adam must’ve felt when it came to Eve. The only differences between them and us was that we were sinners to the core, and nothing would change that.

“It’ll be a wedding befitting a queen,”my father had gone on to say as he elaborated.“And, you’ll be a big part of it. In fact, I want you to give her to me.”

“Give her to you?”I’d asked, confused and wondering if he had caught on to her presence.

“She has no family, Figlio. You’ll walk her down the aisle and give her to me.”

I had smirked, fully knowing that he had something coming, but it wouldn’t be that woman. She was venomous, and he had not the slightest idea of her toxicity. I did, and she’d be like a black widow spider on their wedding night if they made it that far.

I had agreed and left it at that. He then mentioned going to find her, and I went back to enjoying the mouth wrapped around my cock. If this farce of a marriage actually happened, perhaps I would make use of her again. By then, she would’ve had ample opportunity to take him out and if she hadn’t already, I’d surmise it was because she liked the lifestyle that he afforded her. She’d then be a squillo for me, and I’d make her scream night after night, fully knowing that I would be plunging a stake into the heart of a man who’d torn mine out time and time again.

I decided at that point to head back to the estate. The sky was turning dark and I could tell that a storm was approaching. It hadn’t been that long since a powerful one had rocked the entire city. The wind and rain caused widespread damage and driving along the cliffside on a bike wasn’t wise. One didn’t get and stay in power by being stupid. My father might be testing that theory now, but for all I know, he might be very well aware of the snake he was lying in bed with night after night and toying with her right back.

I shook my head, then reversed my course. One of the things that made my motorcycle illegal was the fact that it had no mirrors or headlights. I never followed the rules in anything else, so it would come as no surprise to anyone that I wasn’t now. I liked danger. I lived for it. The adrenaline rush enough was more fuel to my fire. The only thing better than escaping death was sex, and even then, I barely played by the rules. I made them, and broke them often. Point in case was the night before.

I sped back as fast as the supercharged bike would take me, winding around the sharp curves and steep incline with ease. The feeling of exhilaration I felt each time was nothing short of magic, and try as he may, Stefano hadn’t made me forget about those childhood days when I was carefree. They might be over and done with, but they would never be completely forgotten. A loud boom of thunder roared over the sound of the bike and I accelerated my speed and managed to make it back to the estate before the first fat drop of rain fell from the sky.


The thunder continued to boom overhead long after the sky had opened up. Thankfully, I had been inside, but it didn’t matter. From any spot in this massive house, I could see the lightning streaking across the dark canvas. I’d always been scared of storms since I had been little, and that fear had only grown when I took up with those Sicilian mafia men who’d trained me over the years to get me into the position that I was in right now. I’d been made to endure so many different things over that time, but I had done it for the opportunity now presenting itself. Those men I had trusted inexplicably, and I was forever indebted to them. After all, they were the ones to show me the inner strength that I possessed, and trying my best to channel it, I left the empty bedroom and went downstairs.

I could try to push past the fear, but deep inside, I was still the same scared child I had once been when it came to storms. I’d been in Napoli during the last one, and I just prayed to any God out there that he would let me survive long enough to see this through. After all, I would have no life once I took out Stefano, so these were essentially my last days anyway. I no longer had any hopes of a future, but I would’ve accomplished what I set out to do before my death. Donna’s murder would be avenged, and the one solely responsible would burn in Hell right alongside me. She’d be able to finally rest in peace while I would be in a nightmare of my own making.

Another loud crack of thunder and burst of light interrupted my thoughts. I pulled my robe together, then knew where I needed to go. If anything, it was the safest place in the house. I was alone, and knew I would be for some time. Nazario had left an hour ago, and his father was at the club. Neither would venture out on these streets in the midst of a monster storm, so I was alone with the estate staff which seemed commonplace these days. Hurrying to the wine cellar, I closed the door behind me before fumbling for the light switch.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I cursed aloud as the dank space filled with light only to be plunged back into darkness mere seconds later when the bulb had blown.

I had forgotten my cellphone in my haste and not wanting to go back upstairs for it, I decided to just grab the first bottle of wine I could get my hands on, the hell with the kind. That task wasn’t hard, and I had even located an opener for it. Once the cork was released, I brought the bottle to my mouth and took a large swallow.

“Red. Thank the heavens,” I murmured before taking another swig.

The darkness didn’t bother me because for several years, I’d been entranced in it literally as I trained to become the cold blooded killer I would soon be. Those days and nights were some of the hardest of my life, but I would think about Donna and her lifeless body on that cold ground and it’d remind me of why I was here and what I would soon become.

“Revenge will be mine.” I had come so far and did far worse than allow others to torture me all so I could miss the anticlimactic moment that would be forthcoming soon. Nazario wanted me to leave, but I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.

A sound jolted me out of my thoughts, and I looked up to see the door open. Not sure if maybe Stefano had come home after all, I was about to rise until the shadow appeared in the center of the light. It was the very man I had just been thinking about. How predictable.

I glanced up and watched him look around. His eyes eventually made their way to me and I smirked when his gaze locked in on mine. “Here for the party?”

His brow furrowed, but he stepped inside anyway. The door closed behind him with a resounding click and a shiver of apprehension passed over me. We were cloaked in darkness once again, only this time it was with a man I couldn’t decide from one minute to the next if I wanted to kill or fuck. Sometimes, I wanted to do both.

I continued to tremble as I remembered what we had done the night before. I’d baited him only to be taken so roughly that I could still feel his possession a day later. And my traitorous body reminded me of it. Seconds later, his scent enveloped me, and I couldn’t help but breathe him in. It was a mixture of soap and musk, with some exotic notes of cedarwood mixed in. The way he had fucked me with such force and anger was more of a turn on than it should’ve been. I needed to forget all of that, however, because he was right about one thing.

“What’s that,” he told me as he took a seat beside me.

I hadn’t even realized I had spoken aloud. “You were right about us. We mustn’t ever do what we did last night.”

There. I had said it, even though I didn’t even believe the words coming out of my mouth. I then flinched when his hand traveled up my bare leg. There was an electricity in his touch that his father lacked, and I briefly wondered if it was only present due to our combined hate for Stefano. I’d always heard like father, like son, and while there were some similarities between the men, there were also too many differences which overshadowed those other things completely.