Page 52 of Filthy Disciple

God, it feels as if it’s five in the morning, and with the time difference, itisseven. Throw in the jet lag, the alcohol, and the late night, it’s small wonder I feel like shit.

“You have a beautiful home,” I offer instead, smiling nervously as she takes in my appearance.

What she has to say is a curveball, for sure. “You aren’t from here.”

“No, not anymore. But I was born here before I moved to the West Coast.” I smile again and change the subject. “I just think it’s wonderful that you all live here… together,” I say, looking at the food she’s prepared. “And that smells delicious.” I motion to the large platter of eggs, bacon, and what looks like sausages, along with some toast and jam.

“Well, good, I hope you’re hungry. I thought my other son was coming over also, but he has to work apparently.” She looks over at Cade, who is now moving to my side. “Where is that boy?”

“Like I’d know. You know Lucas. Busy, busy, busy,” he mocks.

“He’s a workaholic.” Kitty huffs, then she puts her sunglasses on top of her head so he can see her roll her eyes at him as she sits down at the long table.

“All my boys do is work,” Patricia agrees with a sigh as she goes to grab a stainless-steel pot of coffee and pours some into a cup. “Would you like cream or sugar?”

“Both, thank you.”

Cade slides his arm around me, kisses the top of my nose, then pulls out a chair for me. When I look at him, I know I’m blushing at his gentlemanly moves.

“I told you,” Kitty mocks, smirking at her sisters’ and mother’s shocked expressions.

Patricia recovers enough to set the coffee cup in front of me, but I can see her curiosity is eating at her. “So, you two met where?” she inquires, studying Cade, who holds up a finger because his phone is ringing.

“I’ve got to take this, Ma.” He caresses my cheek and I kind of melt into his hand before he turns and walks toward the living room area. That’s when all eyes are on me.

I’d be nervous, but it’s uncanny how much they look alike.

Damn, Ma and Pa Frasier had the best gene pool.

“So?” Patricia sits at the head of the table while Neev and Róisín cluster around Kitty and me. “Where did you meet?” Patricia prompts.

“Um, well, it’s kind of sweet.” I take a sip of the coffee, needing to think exactly how much I want to tell them.

I can hardly say,Oh, you know, we bonded when your son saved me from OD’ing and paid my ER bill. We haven’t left each other’s sides since…

“I was working.” I glance at each of the pretty faces and wonder if Neev and Róisín are twins.Focus, Isabelle.“I’m a waitress at this great diner in Burbank, and Cade was kind of a regular—”

When his sisters start hurling questions at me, Patricia holds up a hand. “Girls, please.” Patricia surprises me by reaching over to pat mine as if she’s silently giving me her strength, maybe even support. “Sorry, I know we’re loud. You don’t have any siblings, do you?”

The kindness in her voice makes tears gather in my throat. “No,” I croak. “I don’t.”

Why do I want to run all of a sudden? It’s a standard question but somehow, she makes me feel like I need a hug. I’m about to ask her where her bathroom is when Cade walks back into the room, his blue eyes focused on me, then his mom. He must sense something is wrong because he walks straight over and rubs my shoulders when his ma lets go of my hand.

“What’d I miss? Did you tell them how I was so enchanted by your beauty I came in to your diner every day, using the excuse of wanting a burger?” He flashes everyone at the table a dimpled smile as he sits next to me.

I nod but only rasp, “Yes.”

Conversation flickers around me but I retreat until—


I almost jump at Cade’s voice. “Sorry, what?” Embarrassed, I mumble, “I think I need more coffee.” I take a deep sip and almost choke on the hot brew.

“I’ll answer for her, Raisin—”

“Stop it with the Raisin, Cade!” Róisín argues.

“Raisin,” he snipes, wrapping a possessive arm around my shoulders. “I hope Belle wants to stay for a long time.”