Page 119 of Filthy Disciple

“A yard full of Disciples and their spawn running around like they’re on real Coke and not just Coke Zero? Nope.”

“Tonight’s your treat, no?” I offer, because as much as she’s a sociable creature, even I’m overwhelmed with the small army of kids the Disciples have popped out over the last couple years.

I swear there’s something in the water in Burbank…

Hey, that might work in our favor while we’re in the area.

She hums. “Definitely my treat. I can’t wait to see The Stuffed Muffins play—”

Before she can finish that sentence, the thudding of little feet sounds down the hall.

Accustomed to this by now, we separate like the well-oiled machine we are. She dips down and grabs her sleep shirt that’s on the floor for these occasions only, I quickly shuck on last night’s boxer briefs, and she sorts out the sheet she dragged from the mattress while I rearrange the comforter so we’re covered.

Just in the nick of time, too.

Ten seconds later, the door slams open.

“DADDY! MOMMY! It’s my birthday! It’s my birthday! It’s my birthday!”

My lips twitch. “I didn’t know that. Mommy, did you?”

Flopping a hand to her chest, Suzanna gasps—she’s already trying to outpace the drama queen in her mom. “Mommy, Daddy’s lying! Tell him that’s bad. Put him in timeout!”

“He’s already been in timeout, Suzanna. Unfortunately, Daddy is a lost cause.”

“Hey!” I argue, but Suzanna’s caught the giggles from Daddy being told off rather than her, and that means she hops, skips, then jumps onto the bed and bounces up and down like it’s the bouncy castle she’s requested for her birthday party.

“Daddy’s naughty, Daddy’s naughty, Daddy’s naughty,” she shrieks with each jolt of the mattress.

“Mommy can confirm that Daddy is very, very naughty,” Belle teases, quickly snagging Suzanna and hauling her onto her knee. “Are you ready for your special day, birthday girl?”

“I am,” she cries. “Can I have two slices of cake, Mommy? No, three! Three!”

Grinning, I rest a hand on the mattress and lean into it. “I think three’s fine, don’t you, babe? You’re only five once, Suzie.”

I have no idea why Belle gasps at that, but she does. Then she curls her arm around my shoulder and drags me into her. I’m not averse to being manhandled by my wife, especially when it means my face ends up in her tits with Suzie cackling as she smacks kisses onto my cheek, but I’ve no idea why.

Still, I know it’s best not to ask.

She’ll tell me when she’s ready, but share she will.

“I love you,” she growls fiercely in my ear. “And I can’t wait to have another baby with you.”

To lighten things up, seeing as Suzanna’s looking at us with confusion because of her mom’s ferocious tone, my lips quirk into a cocky grin. “Idomake pretty babies, don’t I?”

Belle laughs and strokes a hand over our birthday girl’s chubby cheeks. “Wedo, Cade. We do.”


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