Page 95 of Filthy Disciple

I’m done lying to myself.

It’s time I take responsibility for my own life, for my future.

Whether he’s in it or not is no longer down to me.

It’s on him.



“Cindy.”I turn, trying hard not to burst into tears at Doug coming toward me.

Over the years, Doug and I have become super close. He’s the best hair stylist in Los Angeles and an even better friend. I can’t count how many times he’s held me together when I thought Ryder had destroyed me.

I’ve just landed, and sheer exhaustion must have finally taken over since I don’t remember the plane ride. All that matters is Doug and that I’m home and that I can start a new phase of my life.

“Hey, baby girl.” Doug’s warm arms go around me as I almost trip over my baggage to throw myself into his hug, burying my face in his neck at the same time.

“I got you,” he whispers into my hair.

Clinging to him, I let the tears I’ve been fighting finally fall.

“Doug, I—” I swallow back all the things I need to say and let his calming presence infiltrate me.

“You’re okay, just breathe.”

I listen, taking a deep inhalation and slowly releasing it as I lift my head.

“Let me see you.” He sweeps my hair off my shoulder and tucks a strand behind my ear. His eyes caress my face and for a second, I’m self-conscious. I’m wearing zero makeup since I pretty much grabbed my carry-on and left, but to be honest, Cade seems to like my face clean of it, and after this past week, I’ve gotten out of the habit of constantly wearing it. Doug’s used to Cindy, though. Not…Isabelle.

I laugh but my voice cracks as I joke, “I know I look terrible.”

Doug grabs my chin. “I don’t think you’ve ever looked more beautiful.” His eyes narrow, and he pulls me in for another tight hug. “Thank fuck. It’s good to have my girl back.”

When he kisses the top of my head, I sniffle. “I haven’t been gone that long.”

With a final kiss, he reaches for my baggage with one hand, and the other folds around mine.

“That’s not what I’m talking about. It’s been years since your eyes have been this clear. I’ve missedthisCindy.” He stops at the crosswalk and then propels us forward toward the parking garage, stopping at his black Range Rover.

He holds the door open for me and I hop inside, asking, “Where’s Robert?”

“At his parents’ place,” he replies before walking around to the driver’s side and getting behind the wheel.

“What’s going on?” I ask uneasily, certain I heard annoyance in his tone. Because Robert and Doug are perfect, literally. If they can’t make it, nobody can. “Is everything okay?”

“Oh, his mom is throwing his sister-in-law a baby shower and she demanded he be there. It’s boring as hell.” He grins and starts up the vehicle. “Thankfully, you came through and saved me from needing to attend.”

Studying him to make sure he’s being serious, I take note of his dark hair, which he’s wearing longer than usual, but he’s still dressed in his signature head-to-toe black. There’s something sexy about him: his attitude, probably. It’s as if people can feel he doesn’t give a shit, so that makes everyone, all sexes, flock to him like he’s a magnet.

“So, you guys are fine?”

He puts his arm on my headrest and looks back to pull out. “Yeah, we’re good.”

Flipping the visor down, I study myself in the mirror and grimace. Reaching for my purse, I grab my makeup bag.

“Don’t even think about it,” he snaps, making me jump. “You don’t need to dress up for me.”