Page 60 of Filthy Disciple

Her cunt turns into a vise around my hand and she screams herself hoarse, back arching, shoulders digging into me as she soars so hard she forgets about everything else that’s going on, forgets about fighting the pleasure, and takes what I want her to have.


I smirk as she rides my hand, focused on herself, greedy for all of it.

That’s when the knock sounds at the door.


A horrified gasp escapes her as her befuddled mind registers what’s happening, but I don’t let her go. My arm clamps around her waist and my fingers stay deep inside her. She keeps on pulsing around me, her body torn between what I’ve made her feel and what’s happening.

“Stay right where you are,” I growl.

“No! Oh, my God, someone heard us, heard me—”

When she starts sobbing, I kiss her, nuzzle into her to comfort her, wanting to shoot whoever knocked on the goddamn door when they had to hear I was otherwise engaged.

“I’m at home. I’m over twenty-one. And we’re both consenting adults. We’ve done nothing wrong, Belle,” I retort.

“I-I’m too noisy,” she whispers, and that breaks my fucking heart.

Is there nothing she thinks she does right?

There’s another knock that has her jerking like she’s been stung with a cattle prod.

I don’t give a shit that one of my sisters is standing outside the door. I cup her chin and whisper, “You’re fucking perfect, Belle. I love that you scream. I love that I know I’m fucking you exactly how you want me to. I never wonder if you’re enjoying yourself because you tell me. Loud and clear. You let me know, and I love that. I don’t want you to stop—”

“But, your sisters—”

I shrug. “Maybe I should get my place soundproofed if they can hear us.”

Her mouth forms a perfect circle that gives my dick ideas we don’t have time to carry out. “That’s insane.”

I shoot her a wink. “Maybe I’m insane about you.”

“Cade, for fuck’s sake. Open the damn door!”

My tension is immediate.



Because we’re as close as can be, she senses my tension and rasps, “What’s wrong? Who is it? Is that Lucas?”

I’m fucked.

Literally fucked.

There’s no way this is going to end well, but it has to. I have to make this right because as dumb as I sounded before, I was speaking the truth.

Iamwild about her.

Knowing my time is running out, I gently run my thumb along her chin and mumble, “Belle, I want you to know—”

“Cade! I need to speak with you. It’s urgent!”

I ignore him. “—that I will never let anyone hurt you. Not even my brother. Do you hear me?”