Page 109 of Filthy Disciple

“In a place that’s not her home?”

“Icould have been her home,” I snap, the words rawer than I meant for them to be.

But, goddammit, it’s true.

“You couldn’t even tell her you loved her.”

“It’s too soon for that.” I heave a sigh. “I want to make things right.”

“How do you intend on doing that?”

“I’m gonna woo her.”

A laugh escapes Eve. “You are, huh?”

“I am. Dates at the movies, carriage rides around the park, the whole nine yards.”

She looks at me suspiciously then says, “Belle’d probably like that.”

“I know. That’s why I’m going to do it. She’s a girly girl.”

Eve snorts. “You’ve read her well.”

I shrug. “Circumstances dictated that I look deeper into her life than she’s aware of.”

“Wait, you snooped?”

I grunt.

She hums her disapproval but looks more thoughtful. “You’re a mobster. You can’t just roll up into Burbank and stick around.”

“No, I know. She has to come back to the city with me if she wants us to be together.”

“She wants to be here,” Eve counters. “With us. We’re her family.”

“And she can be. I’ll make sure she can fly back whenever she needs to be in Los Angeles, with her tribe, but my place is in New York, just like your man’s is here in California.”

“What do you know about my man?”

“More than the feds do.”

She surprises me by smiling. “I think I like you.”

“You going to tell Belle you approve?”

She cocks her head and then stands. “Where’d be the fun in that?” Leaving me gawking at her, she strolls off toward the counter. “Belle!” she calls out, uncaring that there are a few stragglers still trying to enjoy their cheeseburgers. “Get your butt out here.”

“I’m coming, Eve! Jesus, what’s up?”

“I’ve got a surprise for you,” she singsongs.

Belle steps out, huffing and swiping those scarlet nails through her hair as she fluffs up her bob—a new haircut too? Christ, my sisters were right about her getting back into the dating game. “What kind of surprise?” she demands.

Eve smiles and points at me. “The kind that’s shaped like a groveling dick.”

Though my heart feels like it’s sunk to the bottom of my stomach, I get to my feet and amble over to the counter.

Belle’s eyes are big and round in surprise—she didn’t expect me to come for her. Or at least, she gave up hoping I would.