Page 8 of Filthy Feck

James: I wasn’t actually talking about the tongue thing though. His da’s generals just got themselves hanged from freakin’ rebar in one of the cement factories.

Regan: WHAT?!

James: Yeah. They were behind that mutiny…

Regan: I heard he got kidnapped.

James: He did. Don’t look good but he’s making all the Points get tagged now, making them reassert their loyalties.

Regan: Tagged?

James: Inked with insignia.

Regan: When are you getting yours done?

James: This week. No choice.

Regan: Might be a chocolate chip short of a cookie, but he’s shrewder than his da.

James: Definitely.

Regan: Rumor is he’s taking over the ECD too.

James: Those IRA nutcases?

Regan: Yup.

James: Rumor… or fact?

Regan: Fact.


Detailsabout the man in question are fleeting, but the Secret Service have revealed that the killer has ties to the ECD—an extremist branch of the IRA.

With President Davidson’s close relationship with Ireland, the world waits for news on how both countries will respond to such a brazen attack on US soil.

At the riskof finding myself in the crosshairs of a sniper’s bullet, I have to wonder if the recent flood of deaths in the political sphere is Sparrows-related.

We’ve had more names coming out of the woodwork in recent times, and though some of the politicians appear to have perished in accidental deaths, I won’t be afraid to sayI told you soif news comes out of some faction or other dealing with the Sparrows in this way.

Which faction, though?

It’s definitely not the NYPD. The boys in blue are as useless (read dirty) as always and the Feds aren’t much better. Everyone knows that the director has ties with the Irish Mob.

One has to wonder… who’s next?


Some people believe because you come in peace, that you aren’t prepared for war.

- Unknown