Page 78 of Filthy Feck

Conor:You knew they were big but not as big as they are.


Conor:Star, you’re allowed a life.

Star:They almost took mine.

Conor:Almost, Star. Almost. But they didn’t. You got out. You fought your way out. You deserve to live.

Star:I AM living. I’m doing what I was put on this earth to do. I’m giving voices to the women who weren’t as privileged as me.

Conor:I think you can do all that and be happy too.

Star:You make me happy.



Conor:I didn’t expect you to say that.

Star:No. But I realized I’ve never told you how much I appreciate you, Conor. I wanted to before it was too late.

Conor:Too late for what?

Star:I don’t know. Before I fuck this up.

Conor:You got a game plan I don’t know about?

Star:I exist in chaos. You know that.

Conor:Luckily for you, chaos is my jam.


Conor:I like that you can always surprise me. It keeps me on my toes.

Star:You get bored easily.

Conor:God, I do.

Conor:You never bore me. ^^

Conor:It’s one of the better features of being close to you.

Star:Better than my tits?

Conor:You’ve never shown them to me. Lol. My imagination is good though. So I’ll say they’re almost on par, but I’ll reserve judgment until you show them to me in the flesh.

Star:I wish I were normal.

Conor:I don’t. I like you as you are. Perfectly difficult. Normal’s overrated.

Star:You don’t mean that.

Conor:I don’t?

Conor:Do I wish you hadn’t suffered? That you hadn’t been hurt? Of course. Do I wish you didn’t have to fight this fight? Yes. But never underestimate how much I enjoy you for you, Star.