Page 56 of Filthy Feck

Conor:Star, I’m sorry you had to go through that shit. I’m sorry he let you down.

Star:People let you down, Conor. That’s what they do. I learned from the best.

Conor:Not all people. I won’t let you down.

Star:You know what’s crazy?


Star:I actually believe you.




I didn’t knowwhy but I left Aoife and Finn’s place with a heavy heart.

While I was filled with purpose and that should have brought some comfort, I mostly felt burdened by something intangible that I couldn’t evade—a belief that that might be the last time I’d be leaving their home.

The gloomy thought followed me onto the sidewalk where one of our town cars was waiting for me.

I’d already been chided by Finn for traveling to his place via cabsansguard—Eoghan was a fucking snitch—so I settled back in the seat and watched the city float by in stages as we got locked in by traffic.

Twenty minutes into the journey, my cell buzzed.

Half expecting it to be one of my brothers and more than ready to ignore it, instead, I found myself looking at an unknown number.

As my finger hovered over the disconnect button, the temptation was strong to cut the call.

Who knew who the fuck it might be?

But in my line of work, staying abreast of the situation was the only way to keep ahead, so even though I definitely didn’t want to answer, I hit connect.


“Conor O’Donnelly, I believe?”

The accent was strong, impossible not to recognize.Russian.

“Who’s speaking?” I demanded.

“My name is Misha Babanin.”

I recognized the name. “You like cutting up people.”

A soft laugh drifted in my ear. “The knife is not my weapon of choice. Regardless, you consider a rapist a person?”

“The Stepanov boy was a rapist?”

“Da. Had my Pakhan not dealt with the situation, I’m certain that your sister-in-law would have suffered his attention too.”

My jaw worked at that. “Why are you calling me? I’m not a liaison with the Bratva.”

“I don’t need a liaison. I have information foryou.”
