Page 245 of Filthy Feck

“It’s true, isn’t it?”

I huffed. “Yes, it’s true.”

His smugness made me punch him in the arm.

“Hey! Brennan just hit that fucking arm. Ouch.”

“Don’t be a baby.” I sniffed when he grumbled under his breath. “If she’s here, then I’ll feel better.”

“What is it, Star?” he questioned, still rubbing his arm but seeming to read beneath the layers and sensing my unease.

“I don’t even know. Ovianar just got into my head, that’s all. She said that the kids were in danger.”

“I doubt it. I mean, at the time, sure, but they were just toys in the game back then. It’s not likely they’re in danger now, is it?”

“They witnessed their parents’ murders, Conor. Sure, those murders were by ex-cons, but we figured they were tied to a Sparrow-backed operation through Jorgmundgander, so what’s to stop someone else from connecting the dots too?”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Shit.”

“Yeah. Shit.” I blew out a breath, suddenly torn now that he was on the same page as me.

It had made sense to catch up with family while we were in the US, because who the fuck knew where we’d be in thirty-six hours? Now, I just felt like each of these minutes were borrowed.


All because I’d seen the tangible effect of the past on my kid.

“We could leave now. Ask the questions that need asking. Get back in time for dinner?”

“They won’t be eating soon?”

“No. There are snacks and we eat late.”

“I should have left Katina at the compound,” I muttered. “I can’t leave her with strangers.”

He reached out to knot our hands together. “It’s not ideal, but she’s already playing with Shay so that will keep her occupied. She’s safe.Physically. Eoghan is here. He won’t let anyone hurt her. Never mind the rest of my brothers.”

Nodding, I swallowed. “I’ll tell her we’re heading out.”

“Heading out? Where?”

Twisting around and finding Cin leaning against the doorjamb and listening in, I said, “I’ve got a bad feeling.”

She straightened up—as aware as I was about the importance of following your gut. “About?”


“You think she’s in danger.”

I rubbed my eyes as that strange urgency continued to pound at me like fists to the head. “Yeah. Dumb but…”

“Not dumb. We’ve wended a path across the globe that has led us to Troy. That path is traceable and Reinier is MIA. That has to concern Smythe and Foundry. The original six are suddenly down to two.” She peered at Conor. “Does this place have an armory?”

Her words weren’t reassuring but at least I didn’t feel like I was freaking out for no reason now.

“It’s an O’Donnelly family home,” he retorted. “Of course it does.”

I didn’t even have it in me to smile.