Page 178 of Filthy Feck

Conor:I was.

Brennan:Aren’t you anymore?

Conor:I dunno what I am. A part of me is still reeling. But another part knows that we’re free now and I think we’ve been chained in place for long enough.

Brennan:I agree. It’s rough atm. So much going on. I’d still take this over having him second-guessing everything I fucking do.


Conor:How’s Ma?

Brennan:Loopy. Going on about ‘Our Lady’ not being happy about this and that. Thought she was fucking around at first, then Camille said she was talking to Our Lady’s picture in the kitchen when she was cooking.


Brennan:No, Mary. ;) I think she’s fine though. Talking to yourself is the only way to get some goddamn sense sometimes.

Brennan:She was pissed you weren’t at dinner on Sunday. Fuck knows what she’ll be like when you ain’t here this week either.

Conor:Paddy ate with you?


Conor:How are they getting along?

Brennan:Are you matchmaking? Because that’s fucked up. Ain’t it illegal for a man to marry his brother’s widow?

Conor:Maybe if this were 1922 lol. But I’m not matchmaking.

Conor:I just think that Paddy got out from under Da’s thumb a long time ago. Ma’s been under it since she was a fucking teenager. If anyone could help her reacclimatize, it’s Paddy. Not Our Lady. Although, maybe she’d help. Lol.

Brennan:Fair point.

Conor:Plus, if she did fall for him, it wouldn’t be the end of the world, would it?

Brennan:I dunno.

Brennan:It’s weird around here without you, Kid. I’ll feel better when you’re back in the city.

Conor:Say it… You miss me. :P

Brennan:Fuck off.

Conor:And after I was so nice to you as well. Sheesh.


Brennan:I miss you. Fucker.

Conor::P I won’t be away for long.

Brennan:I’ll hold you to that.

Conor:I’ll let ya.