Page 176 of Filthy Feck

Me: I don’t think he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t follow through with his promises if that’s any consolation.

Goldstein: I got a US senator killed so I’m game for conspiracy… That’ll help me get to sleep without Lorazepam.

Me: I like chamomile. Very soothing. Try it with Manuka honey.

Unsurprisingly, he didn’t reply to that. Chuckling around another yawn, I turned off the lights and did something foolish.

I sent Creed McCabe a text.

Me: You probably don’t remember me, Creed, but I’m Ollie’s sister. Cin? The chick you fucked in Ghurmach. Nili. Oh, and Chora…

Me: Just wanted to give you a heads-up. My cousin Temper is going to be in town this weekend. If I were you, I’d stay in the sandbox until she stops trying to date you. If you think I’m bad, she’s worse.

Because a strange sensation settled in my stomach, something that seemed, oddly enough, to be nerves, I put the phone on the nightstand and forced myself to rest my eyes.

I didn’t think about Creed on the football field after he and the school team won the state championship.

Nor did I think about the time I’d seen him climbing out of our pool after Ollie had dragged off his shorts in a prank that had gone very, very right.

Nope, Creed was just someone I wanted to spare from my horrendous cousin.

Just because I was a hitman didn’t mean I couldn’t be a good Samaritan too.



Brennan:You still alive?

Conor:I can feel how much you care all the way from across the ocean.

Brennan:You were supposed to check in with us.

Brennan:You didn’t.

Brennan:Remind me to smack you for that when you’re back.

Conor:Why the hell would I remind you to smack me?

Brennan:I’ll just set a reminder on my phone.

Conor:Having memory problems? It comes to us all, deartháir.

Brennan:Fuck off. Do you know how much shit I juggle on a daily basis?

Conor:Isn’t it easier now that Aidan’s back in full form?

Brennan:Sure, but there’s still a fuck ton to manage. Da, believe it or not, was a hard worker.

Conor:He worked long hours. Didn’t think he did much though.

Brennan:Me neither, but he did. Aidan’s picked up Da’s shit, but I’ve had to pick up Aidan’s.

Conor:If you’ve got a lot on your plate, get Declan involved.

Brennan:I have, but there’s still a lot going on right now. Plus, did Aidan tell you those fucking Valentinis called a Summit?

Conor:No. He didn’t tell me. When?