Page 239 of Filthy Feck

Maxim:I have been a pawn, Victoria. Now, I can be your rook.

Me:Not my king?

Maxim:That is a title one has to earn. Maybe with time, you will allow me to be that for you.

Me:Do you believe I’m in danger?




Me:And you’re not in danger from them?

Maxim:Of course. But they would marry you off in an instant to a Pakhan under their control.

Maxim:I am a relative stranger to you, Victoria. Yet you know the truth…

Me:What truth?

Maxim:That I have killed to keep you safe.

His words made my shoulders sag.

Beyond, I could hear the outer door slam and the rabble of voices stirring in the hall, but it was nothing to the chaos in my head.

I wanted to be the woman Savannah was cultivating—independent, strong, self-assured—but that was at odds with an archaic future that involved a marriage of convenience for my protection.

But… it wasn’t a convenience for him, was it?

He could cut ties.

Marry whoever he wanted.

I was young. He had to wait for me to be of age, but he should marry sooner and have a family so he could prepare to cement his power base in the future with children who could forge alliances.

But hewaswaiting.

For me.


Despite his assurances, I needed to ram something home.

Me:I want to go to college.

Maxim:That can be arranged.

Me:And I want to be courted. Inessa didn’t even meet Eoghan until her wedding day.

Maxim:You have already met me.

Me:I want more.

Maxim:More is something I can try to give you but I’m not a pervert. These types of conversations need to happen when you’re older. I would never have spoken about any of this.

Me:I forced the conversation.