Page 155 of Filthy Feck

Conor:Understandable. Da treated Brennan like shit after what happened to Ma.

Declan:I don’t know how he could blame him for any of that.

Conor:He was only a kid. He shouldn’t have even been guarding Ma in the first place.

Declan:Da seemed to forget that we were children once we were Pointers.

Conor:I agree.

Declan:I’m not going to raise my kids how Da did.


Declan:It makes me glad that Aidan’s got it into his head that Shay’s going to be president. I can’t see it happening myself, but I think he’ll get into politics. Either way, he has to stay squeaky clean and I’m here for that.

Conor:Never say never.

Conor:Give us two decades, Dec, and we can make miracles happen.

Declan:True, lol.

Declan:Do you want kids, Conor?

Conor:It’s not something I think about. Star has a daughter. I’ll adopt her if Star will let me.


Conor:Why does that come as a surprise?

Declan:It doesn’t, I guess, if I think about it. I just didn’t realize you were ready for that move. It’s soon, you know?

Conor:Not soon enough. Star’s mine, Declan.

Declan:I know. It’s killing Bren, lol.

Conor:Why’s he got such a fucking hard-on for her?

Declan:He says he doesn’t trust her.

Conor:He’s got forty years to come around.


Declan:Okay, so I’ll listen out for a call from Sin.

Conor:Nah. It’ll be Rex.

Conor:Just try to keep their asses out of jail.

Declan:Will do.

Declan:You happy, Con?

Conor:This world is fucked, and I’m dealing with shit that makes my skin crawl, but I’m with her. So yeah.

Declan:I get you. Glad for you, Kid.

Conor:Same goes. Give Cameron a hug from me and tell Shay I deleted that video on Snapchat and IG.