“I’m sorry you grew up like that.”

“It was okay. At the time I didn’t know any different. The lack of family didn’t really bother me until after college when I was in a friend’s wedding.” It had been a huge affair with six bridesmaids and groomsmen. The bride had looked radiant walking down the aisle on her father’s arm. “I was the only one of the wedding party that wasn’t a family member.”

“Does it bother you that we got married without your family there?”

Violet didn’t have to think about her answer. “A little. Mostly it bothered me that Tiberius wasn’t there to give me away.”

“When the shareholder meeting is over we should get married again. Properly this time. With friends and family around us.”

“You don’t have to do this for me.” But she was thrilled that he’d suggested it.

“I’m doing it for us. We should make a fresh start.” He kissed her on the forehead. “A real marriage deserves a real wedding. Don’t you think?”

Violet tilted her head back so she could read JT’s expression. His tender smile made her heart hiccup.

“It sounds like a perfect idea.”


JT was in his office reviewing a capital expenditure request for remodeling the exercise room and upgrading the machines when his assistant hailed him on his phone’s intercom.

“Mr. Rhodes is on line one.”

It was three days until the stockholder meeting and JT remained short of the votes he needed to oust his father as chairman of the board and strip him of his CEO position. Was Preston calling to gloat?

“Hello, Father.”

“You didn’t really expect to beat me, did you, son?” Preston gave the final word a disparaging twist. “I’ve taken on much more skilled players than you.”

“I’ve no doubt you have.”

“Then you won’t be surprised when I tell you that I’m in negotiations to sell Titanium.”

“Not surprised at all.” JT had known that challenging his father would be a one-shot deal. He either secured the votes to get Preston voted out as chairman or went out on his own. JT wasn’t afraid to do the latter. He’d been ready to abandon any hope of saving Stone Properties before Violet had inherited Tiberius’s stock.

“I’m sure we can find you a hotel to manage somewhere,” Preston said. “I think the general manager of Platinum Macao plans to retire later this year.”

JT saw no reason to react to his father’s taunt. “I’m certain you have a number of managers who would jump at the chance to take over that hotel. I have several opportunities I can explore.”

“Perhaps your wife can find you a job working for Fontaine Resorts and Hotels.”

“In fact we’ve already discussed that,” JT lied. Why was his father trying so hard to get him riled up? “Fontaine is negotiating to buy the Lucky Heart. They’re planning to demolish it and build a new hotel. They want someone who can oversee the entire process.”

More lies. JT had no idea what would become of the Lucky Heart now that Tiberius was dead, but investigating the fabrication would distract his father for a little while.

“You were lucky to marry your heiress when you did.”

“Is there anything else you’d like to discuss?” JT glanced at his watch and saw it was almost time to rendezvous with Violet. They’d taken to enjoying late dinners in her suite. “Otherwise I have a meeting I must get to.”

“Nothing else. I’ll see you in Miami in a few days.”

“Looking forward to it.” JT hung up without saying goodbye, unsure if it had been worth his effort to try and shake his father’s confidence.

Before leaving his office, JT signed off on the exercise room upgrade, then made his way to the first floor and strolled through the casino. As much as he loved the hotel and was proud of all he’d done to turn the property around in the last six years, JT had always known that his time here was limited. As CEO, his father called the shots. JT could stay working for Stone Properties and do what Preston wanted or abandon the company and strike out on his own. Leaving would have been better for him financially and professionally, but he knew his grandfather would want him to stay and loyalty was deeply imbedded in his psyche.

Even at nine o’clock at night the air on the strip hung hot and thick with exhaust and the sweat of many thousands of bodies. JT sucked in a lungful. Leaving Las Vegas had just become inevitable. The investment opportunities he’d been investigating had involved properties in California, Arizona and the Caribbean. He would be traveling a great deal and setting up his corporate office here didn’t seem likely.