“I don’t believe that.”

Their eyes connected and locked. JT’s smile faded. What had been warm flesh a moment earlier became solid granite, and Violet’s heart sank as she watched the doors slam shut over his thoughts. After several heartbeats, JT sucked in a deep lungful of air.

“I lied to you earlier,” he said, his gaze probing hers, searching for answers, but giving nothing away.

The disappointment she’d felt seconds earlier faded slightly as her heartbeat accelerated beneath his intent expression. “About what?”


“If you’re all done with Milo, Boss, I can take him.” A groom stepped into the arena. “Bonnie is in with Bullet and wonders if you can come look at the foal. She’s wondering if we should call the vet.”

“You’re busy,” Violet said, taking a half step back. “And I promised Harper I’d come in early today so we could discuss a joint promotion.” As excuses went, it wasn’t the best, but she needed time to regroup and figure out what she really wanted from JT before things started to happen. “We can talk after work tonight.”

He caught her arm and kept her from moving away. The groom was fast approaching. Violet’s heart thumped hard against her ribs as JT lowered his lips toward her ear.

“Your sister was right,” he murmured, his warm breath sliding seductively over her skin. “I am hungry for you.”

And then he was handing Milo off to the groom and striding away from her. Violet stared after him, her knees pressed together for stability because the strength had gone out of her muscles.

He was hungry for her?

He was hungry for her.

Well, that was good because she was hungry for him as well.


The ranch house was quiet and dark when JT let himself in at two in the morning. He’d cut his night short, unable to concentrate on business with thoughts of Violet bombarding him. He liked that she’d shown up at the barn today. Watching her overcome her anxiety about Milo had demonstrated that her interest had been genuine. Having her gaze follow his every move in the arena had been a pleasant distraction. He’d stepped up his game and showed off for her like a smitten teenage boy.

What he’d seen in her eyes made him want to throw her over his shoulder and carry her straight to his bedroom. Was she reconsidering the arrangement? He hoped so. But if she needed more convincing, he was ready for that as well.

Taking the stairs two at a time, JT headed down the hall to her bedroom. The door stood ajar, the room beyond dark. He let his eyes adjust and saw that the room was unoccupied. Reaching in, he flipped on the light. The room wasn’t just empty. It showed no sign that anyone was staying there.

If JT hadn’t seen Violet’s car in the garage, he would’ve assumed that she’d changed her mind and returned to Fontaine Chic. Perhaps she’d chosen a different room. There were four others she might prefer. But none showed signs of life. So where was she?

JT headed for the terrace outside the master suite. As soon as he stepped outside he heard the sound of splashing. She’d gone for a swim. He grabbed a set of swim trunks from a drawer and changed. It wasn’t until he entered the closet to hang up his suit that he realized which bedroom she’d decided to sleep in.


What had once been the empty half of the enormous his-and-hers closet was now filled with black dresses, casual daytime wear and several pairs of jeans. The shoe racks overflowed with pumps and sandals. He returned to the bedroom and discovered half his drawers filled with lacy lingerie, knit tops and scarves. The countertop in his bathroom bore perfume bottles and creams.

Holy hell.

He marched down the stairs at a deliberate pace, formulating how to approach Violet about this new development. It was one thing to perpetuate the myth of their happy marriage by living together. But sharing his room—his bed—with her was taking the playacting way too far.

JT stalked through the living room and stepped onto the pool deck. Violet stroked through the water, naked limbs breaking the surface and plunging back in again. Damn, but she was beautiful. Her movements were lazy, content. The exact opposite of the riotous emotions surging through JT.

He was standing at the edge of the pool before he even realized he’d moved. “I found all your things in my room. What’s going on?”

“I got to thinking your dad might have spies in your employ. I don’t want to give him any ammunition against you.” She didn’t meet his gaze, which made him wonder what she had to hide.