The entire conversation had been charged with subtext and Violet grew more concerned with each exchange. She suspected Preston had figured out she and JT weren’t a love match. Not that there was anything he could do about it.

“Why would anyone care?”

“I care.” Preston at last dropped all pretense of being civil. “I know why he married you. To get at the stock Tiberius bought. Well, that only gives him forty-eight percent. Not enough to challenge me.”

The speed at which JT’s father had figured out what they were up to startled Violet. And yet, should it? The man was devious. He would see a game being played from a mile away. How were they going to get ahead of him if he anticipated all their moves?

“You look worried, Violet.”

Preston obviously enjoyed having the upper hand and rubbing his opponent’s nose in the fact.

Composing her expression, Violet replied, “I have nothing to be worried about.”

“Because you and JT didn’t get married so he could use the stock Tiberius left you to stage a coup against me?”

Goose bumps broke out on Violet’s arms, but she kept her gaze locked on Preston’s cold, flat eyes. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Of course you do and when I prove that you two aren’t married in good faith, I’m going to sue you for fraud and take back the stock in your possession.”

“You can’t do that.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. But I can tie up the stock in a lawsuit long enough to get rid of my son the same way I got rid of my brother-in-law.”

While Violet sat in stunned silence, unsure if she’d ever experienced this level of malice, Preston topped off the champagne in her glass and stood.

“Drink up, Violet. You and my son have embarked on a grand adventure. I only hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

Preston strolled away before Violet could wrap her thoughts around his threat. Her phone buzzed and she checked the message. JT’s plane had just landed at the airport. He had news.

Well...she texted back, agreeing to meet at his house in an did she.

* * *

The drive from Las Vegas to his desert ranch had never bothered JT before. But then again, he’d never had a woman like Violet to come home to either. He banished the thought the instant it entered his head. This was a business meeting. Simple as that.

Violet had used the garage door remote he’d given her and let herself in. He found her curled up on the couch in the living room, staring at the cold fireplace. He had to say her name twice before she realized she was no longer alone. There was a split second of utter delight in her eyes before she frowned.

“You look exhausted. Sit down and let me get you some tea.”

“I’d rather have a beer.”

“The tea will relax you and soothe your nerves.”

“The beer will have the same effect, plus I prefer the way it tastes.”

“Fine.” When she returned, she held two bottles. He raised his eyebrow as she handed him one, and she shrugged. “You really shouldn’t drink alone.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to remind her that he drank alone all the time, but decided not to push her away. Instead, he held out his free hand and pulled her down onto the couch beside him. She landed close and he slung his arm over the back of the couch above her shoulder. Her body fit nicely against his side. He sipped his beer and sighed.

“How’s your week going?” he asked, resisting the urge to nuzzle his nose into her silky hair. She’d taken it down and it cascaded around her shoulders in soft waves.

“Until an hour ago, better than yours. You had no luck at all with your family?”

Her first comment snagged his attention. “What happened an hour ago?”

She tensed, and didn’t immediately answer. Perplexed, JT glanced down at her. She was staring hard at the beer bottle.

“Violet?” he prompted, growing uneasy.

“We have a problem.”

Keeping a sudden flare of concern from his voice, he asked, “What sort of problem?”

“Your father knows what we’re doing.”

JT cursed silently. “How do you know that?”

“Because he came to see me at Fontaine Chic. He basically told me if he finds out that our marriage isn’t real that he’ll sue us for fraud.”

Fury held him immobile. How dare his father threaten Violet. This was a battle between businessmen. But JT should have been prepared for this. It wasn’t the first time Preston Rhodes had intimidated someone who tried to take him on.

“I’ll deal with him.” JT took a healthy swallow of his beer and swallowed his irritation. No need to get Violet any more worked up than she already was. This wasn’t her fight. It was his. That his father chose to confront Violet instead of him let JT know that he was feeling threatened. “It’s just a threat to distract us while he shores up support amongst the other shareholders.”