Page 97 of Wild and Wicked

Liza, in true female fashion, rose to go with her. Gianna figured Keeley would have been hot on her heels as well, but she was still on the dance floor with Gio and Rafe.

“You and I need to have a long talk, girlfriend,” Liza said, following her into the ladies’ room.

Gianna grasped her friend’s hand. “I know we do. I hope you’re not mad at me for keeping the Elio thing from you. I wasn’t sure how to tell you at first and as more time passed, I thought, well, I didn’t think he and I would…”

“You didn’t think anything would come from it?”

Gianna shrugged, hating to admit that. “We didn’t make plans or promises when we left the cabin. We just said goodbye. Given his disinterest in relationships…”

Liza grinned. “Trust me, he’s not disinterested when it comes to you.”

Gianna probably should have at least attempted to hide the smile her friend’s observation prompted, but she couldn’t do it. She smiled like a lunatic, her happiness shining through all the cracks.

“Jesus,” Liza muttered. “Please, for the love of God, don’t fill me in on all the great sex you had at my family’s cabin.” She stressed the family part, which had Gianna giggling. “I guess I understand now why you’ve been blowing me off. You don’t need to venture into online dating hell. One of these days, you’re going to have to tell me your trick for finding these guys who fall so fast and forever for you.”

“Sam wasn’t forever,” Gianna reminded Liza.

“You dated the dude eleven years. To the woman who can’t land a guy for more than a night or two, trust me, forever is the right word.”

“Does it bother you?” Gianna asked, suddenly worried. “Me and Elio?”

“Holy shit, no. It’s just…you’re going to have to give me some time to get used to the idea. The two of you are very different people, but when I see you together… Damn, I can see it’s working, and I’m blown away by it. But I’m also kind of worried.”


Liza sighed. “Elio’s dating track record is nonexistent, so he’s a dark horse, isn’t he? And you had your heart dropkicked by that prick Sam.” Liza reached over and grasped her hand. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Elio won’t hurt me.” Gianna didn’t hesitate to speak the words because she knew, all the way to the depths of her soul, that they were true.

Her utter assurance took Liza aback but not for long. She grinned, squeezing Gianna’s hand tightly. “You’re in love with him,” she said softly.

Gianna nodded.

“And he’s in love with you?”

She shrugged. “We haven’t said the words yet. God, it’s still early days. I just…I think…I mean, I hope.”

Liza considered that, then grinned. “You don’t need hope. And you don’t even need to think about it too hard. Because I see the way he looks at you. If my brother hasn’t already fallen hopelessly, madly in love with you, I’ll eat my bra.”

Gianna laughed. “I hope you’re right.”

“You know, if this works out, somewhere down the line we could be sisters.”

Gianna didn’t know how to reply to that. Not because she didn’t want it with all her heart but because she was still struggling to believe this was all real.

“Best. Thing. Ever,” Liza said, as she reached out and hugged her.

And that was when Gianna realized the Moretti women were no slouches in the warm embraces either.

The two of them laughed happily walking back to the ballroom hand in hand.

Keeley scowled when they resumed their places at the table. “What the hell?” she complained. “Did you guys have the heart-to-heart without me?”

Rafe shook his head. “Everything is not your business.” Of course, now like always, those words went in one of Keeley’s ears and right out the other.

“Incorrect,” she said to her boyfriend, her attention still locked on her and Liza. “Everything good?”

“Everything’s great,” Liza said, smiling at Gianna. Her gaze narrowed as Elio and Luca returned to the table. “You better not fuck this up,” she warned her brother.