Page 89 of Wild and Wicked

“I…God…I’m so sorry I told you I wasn’t. I—”

“You’re pregnant.”

She could understand his shock. She’d experienced the same, needing to say those two words, “I’m pregnant,” over about a million times before she could make them sink in.

She nodded, words escaping her. She clenched her hands together in her lap, trying to stop them from trembling.

Not that it mattered. One second, Elio was sitting there, stoic, still as a statue—the next, the biggest, most enormous smile she’d ever seen split his face and he was standing, picking her up, and giving her the most incredible Moretti hug in the history of Moretti hugs. Then he took it further by lifting her off her feet, holding her even tighter.

“Elio,” she said, trying to pull away, though the man was showing no indication of letting her go. “You’re not mad? You’re…happy?”

“Jesus Christ, Gianna! Why would you think I’d be mad?”

“Because we had a four-night stand that wasn’t supposed to be anything more than casual sex. Then the condom broke. And then I told you I wasn’t pregnant because I’m an idiot.”

“Was the test wrong?” he asked.

“No. I never took the test because I got my period. Or…I thought I got it. The doctor said it was most likely spotting.”

His smile faded. “Wait. What does that mean? Is the baby okay?”

“It’s fine,” she reassured him quickly. “I realized this week I’d missed my period. And I’ve had this damn stomach bug, but it kept coming and going. And that was when…well, I started to think it might be morning sickness, even though for me, it’s been morning, noon, and night sickness—so I took a test. Even when I saw the plus sign, I thought it had to be wrong, so I went to the doctor yesterday and she confirmed it. I heard the baby’s heartbeat.”

“You heard…” Elio’s eyes widened. “No more doctor appointments without me.”

She laughed as she shook her head. “It’s still hockey season. You can’t just—”

“I can and I will. I mean it, Gee. I want to be there for every appointment. I want to hear the heartbeat.”

“The next one is the ultrasound. I have the appointment set, but I can change the date if it doesn’t work with your schedule,” she offered.

“Ultrasound,” he said, and it was clear the word impacted him just as strongly as it had her. “So we’re going to see our baby?”

“Yes. God, El, I’m so sorry for—”

“Don’t say you’re sorry. Ever again. It was an honest mistake.”

She closed her eyes. “I was so afraid you’d be mad or upset.”

Elio cupped her cheeks, tilting her head upward. “Look at me.”

Her eyelids lifted, her gaze connecting with his.

“I’ve never been happier in my life,” he said. “This is a gift, Gianna. A gift. Are you happy?”

She smiled, blinking back the tears in her eyes. “Oh my God, yes. So happy. Like deliriously so. Which only proves we’re both crazy,” she said with a watery laugh.

“Why crazy?”

“Elio. We aren’t a couple. Hell, we aren’t even dating.”

His scowl was so pronounced, she closed her mouth instantly. But Elio didn’t speak, just kept looking at her.

When the silence drifted too long, she gathered her courage enough to say, “Well, we aren’t.”

“We weren’t,” he corrected. “But now we are.”

“Are what?” she asked stupidly.