Page 87 of Wild and Wicked

Elio looked up, frowning when he realized Matt Russo was standing next to their table, listening to the conversation.

“You look stunning tonight, Ms. Moretti,” Matt repeated, his compliment accomplishing something Elio had never witnessed before. Matt Russo had rendered his never-silent sister speechless.

Matt and Liza stared at each other for a moment or two, long enough for Elio to steal a glance at Gianna, who gave him a shocked look as she mouthed “you were right.”

“I want to thank you for coming tonight,” Matt said, clearing his throat, looking around the table at each of them. “Your presence here means a lot to Penny and my brother.”

The Russo brothers had lost both their parents, so it appeared Matt, the eldest, was stepping into that role tonight, welcoming their guests. It couldn’t have been an easy task for him, considering the sheer number of Morettis in the ballroom. Then Elio spotted Conor standing next to Tony’s table, and he realized the brothers appeared to be splitting the duty.

“We wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” Keeley said, speaking for the table, since Elio and Gio were both scowling. Elio tried to school his features, but a lifetime of anger and horror stories from his dad and Nonno ensured his animosity ran deep.

Rafe didn’t talk. Rather, he just looked at Gio, amused by his partner’s furrowed brows and crossed-arms pose. Meanwhile Liza…well…Elio couldn’t quite decipher her mood. She looked at Matt like he was a rattlesnake poised to strike, but she wasn’t afraid. Nope, she was ready for it, shovel raised and ready to chop off his head the second he made one wrong move.

“It was a beautiful wedding,” Gianna added, when it was clear no one else was going to say anything.

Matt nodded, took one last look at Liza, and moved on to the next table. Before anyone could remark on the exchange, the deejay drew their attention to the dance floor as he called for Penny and Gage to come forward for the first dance.

The first strains of John Legend’s “Conversations in the Dark” began as Gage pulled his bride into his arms.

Elio watched the couple swaying to the music and saw the way Gage looked at Penny like a man who’d just gotten everything he’d ever wanted. Until Gianna, Elio had precious little experience with jealousy. Now, as he watched Gage, he knew he wanted what that man had.

A future. A forever with the woman he loved.

He wanted to be able to look at every person in this room, point to Gianna, and say, “This beautiful woman is mine.”

His gaze shifted to Gianna. She truly did look lovely, the pale blue of her dress matching her eyes perfectly. There was a pink hue in her cheeks that gave her a healthy glow, and it set his mind at ease. He’d hated hearing that she’d been sick, but whatever ailed her had clearly passed.

“Mr. and Mrs. Gage Russo,” the deejay said, partway through the song, “would like to invite other couples in attendance to come up and join them on the dance floor.”

Elio didn’t hesitate for a moment, rising and offering a hand to Gianna. She accepted, placing her hand in his, and his heart began to beat a little bit faster. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Rafe leading Keeley to the floor, Gio offering to dance with Liza. The six of them made their way to the floor, but once they were there, he swung Gianna into his arms and his vision shrank to just her.

“I’m glad you made it,” she said softly. “I was afraid you might have to cancel.”

“Believe me, I was worried about that as well after two hours in standstill traffic.”

“Elio, I was hoping that…maybe…” Gianna seemed nervous, and he didn’t like it. After everything they’d shared at the cabin, he thought they’d passed the point where she felt uncomfortable or shy around him.

“Maybe what?”

“Do you think it would be possible for us to find a few moments to speak in private?”

Elio sighed, suddenly understanding her anxiety. He’d expressed his opinions regarding her getting back together with Sam, and apparently, she was nervous about telling him she’d forgiven the cheating bastard.

“Gianna. What you and I shared at the cabin…it was special. But you don’t owe me an explanation about Sam. If you want to get back with him, that’s your decision and yours alone.”

Gianna frowned in confusion. “Get back with Sam? What are you talking about? He cheated on me, Elio. The relationship is over.”

Now it was his turn to be perplexed. “But…I thought…”

“You were right about him coming back,” she started. “The day I got home from the cabin, I found him in my apartment.”

“He still has a key?” Elio asked, his voice angrier than he’d intended.

Gianna shook her head. “No. Of course not. The asshole got the spare key from my neighbor.”

Elio’s temper flared. Earlier, he’d hoped her ex wasn’t here. Now he was sorry the man was absent because he’d like to show Sam up close and personal why Elio was known as El Train, the enforcer. “What the hell?”

Gianna laughed. “That’s what I said when I found him there. I told him to get out or I was calling 9-1-1.”