Page 31 of Wild and Wicked

It was kind of him to ask, and she respected him for trying to be a gentleman, but she sure as fuck didn’t want one right now. She was kind of hoping for a bad boy. Who knew when she’d get another opportunity to sleep with a sexually experienced, built-like-a-brick-house hockey star?

Actually, she knew the answer to that.

Fucking never.

She was calling this a late Christmas present for herself.

“I’ve wanted you since the holiday party. Tequila isn’t making this decision. I am. And I want this more than I can say. Please don’t stop.”

He hesitated a moment longer…and that was when she wondered if he wasn’t stopping because of her inebriation but because he didn’t want to have sex with her. She recalled her list. She was nothing like the women he usually took to bed. What if it was just as she suspected and she really wasn’t his type?

“Unless…oh. I’m sorry, Elio. I didn’t mean to pressure you. I realize I’m probably not like Paula, or your other…well…I understand if you’re not inter—”

“Don’t finish that sentence,” he said, his voice deep and almost angry. “Jesus, Gianna. Do I look like I’m not interested? Like I don’t want to fuck you six ways to Sunday?” He gestured to his jeans, to the obvious bulge constricted within the denim.

The bulge was…significant.

“Whoa,” she breathed.

“That,” he said, pointing to her. “That’s what I mean. You’ve only slept with one man. I’ve had more lovers than I can count. I don’t… Fuck…I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Hurt me how?”

“Physically. Emotionally. You name it.”

“You won’t hurt me,” she said, more certain of that than she’d been of anything in her life. “I trust you.”

“That’s nice, but—”

She cut him off. “My eyes are wide open. I know you aren’t looking for a relationship, and to be honest, right now, neither am I. I’ve wasted years with a man I loved, who I’d planned to spend the rest of my life with. And in the end, he lied to me, cheated on me. All I’m capable of right now is casual dating.” Then, before he could get the wrong idea, she quickly added, “And one-night stands. Do you know how many experiences I’ve missed in the last eleven years?”

She didn’t wait for him to answer.

“All of them,” she said. “Fucking all of them. Pretend I’m just like all the other women you’ve taken to your bed. One night. Give me one night, and I promise I won’t ask for another.”

Elio took a long, deep breath…then he unbuttoned his jeans and slid down the zipper.

She didn’t move, watching, concerned when he didn’t push his jeans down.

“Please,” she whispered.

“I’m going to take you, Gianna,” he said at last. “But I want to make some things very clear before I do. You are nothing like those other women, and I don’t want that fucking promise. You can ask me for anything.”

Before she could figure out how to respond to that, he pushed his jeans and boxers over his hips, bending down to strip them off completely.

Gianna froze, her gaze locked on his dick. “Oh!”

Elio gave her one of his standard cocky grins, which helped her find her bearings…a little. “Change your mind?”

She narrowed her eyes, certain she should knock him down a peg or two. Unfortunately, her self-preservation was stronger than her smart-ass nature at the moment. “I want to be impressed by…” She waved her hand toward his cock. “That. But intimidation is sort of winning out.”

Elio climbed into the bed, chuckling. “I’m trying to think of something humble to say, but I like the idea of coming out on top when it comes to dick comparisons.”

The effects of the alcohol were waning, but she still felt drunk, light-headed, thanks to that orgasm he’d just given her. She had seriously thought the top of her head was going to blow off, and every orgasm she’d ever had in her life, now—in hindsight—seemed lukewarm at best.

“Lay down,” Elio said, and she complied, reaching to pull him down for a kiss. His body was propped next to hers, supported by his elbow. She was thrilled when he kissed her again, taking his time, giving her a few minutes to get her bearings. She was so ready for the next part, but she also wanted to savor the moment.

She’d never considered kisses foreplay. With Sam, they’d been more an act of affection, of caring, but Elio’s kisses would get an X-rating from the Motion Picture Association, his lips driving her thoughts down all sorts of sinful, kinky avenues.