Page 25 of Wild and Wicked

He sat up as well. “I can whip up some hash browns.”


“After that, I’m going to go out and start moving some snow. Figure I need to shovel a path to the woodpile at least. And it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to start shoveling out at least one vehicle.”

Gianna glanced out the window. “That might be an act of futility. It’s still snowing.”

“True, but it’s only going to get heavier and deeper. Best to try to stay ahead of it if we can.”

“I’ll help.”

“Sounds good.”

“And after that,” she said, eyes bright as they plotted out their entire day. “If you want, I brought the ingredients to bake cookies.”

“That’ll be fun. I brought some hot cocoa so we can eat and drink ourselves into sugar comas while we work on that puzzle some more.”

“And then…tacos for dinner?” she asked.

Elio climbed out of bed and walked over to his duffel bag, pulling out a long-sleeved T-shirt. “Hell yeah. I’m declaring it taco and tequila Tuesday.”

She laughed, crawling out of bed as well. “Let me go get dressed and we can start on breakfast.”

Elio threw another log on the fire and decided Gianna might have the right of it when it came to making plans.

Her way gave him a lot to look forward to.

Chapter Six

The day had gone exactly as they’d planned, and Elio struggled to recall when he’d had such a good time. He and Gianna cut a decent path from the cabin to the woodpile. Or at least they had. Until it devolved into an epic snowball battle.

They’d also made serious progress on the puzzle and plowed through at least half a dozen large chocolate chip cookies.

Now, Gianna stood by the sink, washing the dishes while he wiped the table. The entire day had felt completely domestic, something he’d always figured would be boring, a sign that he’d basically given up all hope of leading an exciting life. The truth was, nothing had been boring at all. Only fun and relaxing and comfortable.

And another fact had revealed itself to him somewhere in the middle of the snowball fight.

His attraction to Gianna was now off the charts.

He wanted her. So much so, he’d tried to take a page from her book, creating one of those lists she loved so much. His list was reasons why he shouldn’t have sex with her.

Unfortunately, he’d come up with a lot more than he’d wanted to.

For one thing, Liza would kick his ass if he seduced her recently dumped friend. For another, the more time he spent with her, the more he could tell they were quite different people. Gianna was very structured, focused, much more serious than he was. He considered himself a fly-by-the-seat-of-his pants, go-with-the-flow, always-looking-for-a-good-time kind of guy. Plus, she was a relationship girl from the word go, and that was the last thing he was looking for.

Then, for the first time ever, he found himself tacking the words “right now” onto that thought.

What the hell?

He couldn’t figure out his career issues right now, so why the fuck would he add another wrinkle?

“Want some hot tea?” she asked, once she’d finished the dishes.

He shook his head. “Nope. We still have one more thing on our schedule.”

She groaned. “I was hoping you’d forget about that. Me and tequila don’t mix. The last time I did shots was with your sister, Keeley, and Jess.”

“What happened?”