Page 23 of Wild and Wicked

He tried to will it away, but his attempts were pointless. Especially when Gianna sighed softly. He felt her eyelashes flutter against his bare chest. He glanced down because he wanted to see her face when she woke up.

Her expression didn’t disappoint. At first, she stilled, like a cornered animal. No doubt she was trying to determine if she could extract herself without waking him up. But that look was fleeting when she lifted her eyes and saw him looking back at her.

“Good morning,” he said, his voice husky from sleep.

She flushed a bright red, and he grinned. God. He’d never been with such an innocent woman. Not even when he was younger and new to sex himself.

Gianna slowly removed her leg and lifted her arm, intent on shifting away from him. Elio knew he should be a gentleman, should let her make her escape, but fuck that jazz.

She felt good and warm and…like she belonged right where she was.

He tightened his arm around her shoulders, tugging her back into place.

She resisted. “Elio.”

“Let’s just relax a little bit longer. Even with the fire, it’s going to be cold when we crawl out of this bed. Besides, we’re on vacation. It’s not like we have anything to get up for.”

He expected her to continue the fight, so he was surprised when she resumed her previous position, going soft in his arms.

“It does feel nice. I miss sleeping next to someone,” she confessed.

“I wouldn’t know,” he said.

She lifted her head, giving him a look that said she didn’t believe him for a minute.

“Seriously,” he insisted. “Sex and sleeping aren’t the same thing, you know.”

“Yeah, well, it’s been three and a half months since I’ve done either.”

“Nine months for me…on the sex part, so I win,” he said, laughing softly.

“Number one, you’re too competitive. And number two, I don’t really think you can call that a win.”

“Good point.”

“It’s really been that long?”

He wasn’t surprised by her question. Liza had obviously done a very good job painting a picture of him as a shameless playboy. Gianna probably thought he had a different woman in his bed every night. “I was seeing a woman, Paula, off and on, but that fell apart at the end of last season when she started pushing for more.”

“What’s more?”


“I thought you were joking about that. You mean you really never spent a night with her?”

He shook his head. “Never.”

“Never had a broken heart?”

Gianna was clearly functioning with one, which bothered him. He hated to think she was still so hurt.

“No broken hearts,” he reassured her.


“Paula saw our relationship going somewhere I didn’t.”

“Where?” Gianna asked.