Page 60 of Wild and Wicked

“Excellent points. So, what exactly are you planning to do that might drive Liza insane?”

Elio hadn’t voiced his suspicions about Liza and Matt Russo to anyone, but he was interested in getting Gianna’s opinion.

“I’m starting to think she might have a thing for Matt Russo.”

Gianna barked out a loud laugh that died quickly. “Are you being serious?”

“I am.”

“But she hates Matt, calls him the bane of her existence.”

Elio had heard that particular complaint. “She calls him a great many things…constantly and frequently.”

He watched as his suspicions soaked in, Gianna’s expression morphing. Her outright disbelief replaced by something that looked perilously close to thinking he might be onto something.

“Yeah,” she finally said, “but he’s a Russo.” It was clear she thought that would be the end of any wayward feelings his sister might have.

“I know,” Elio said. “Which is the problem.”

“Can I ask you what the deal is between the Russos and the Morettis? I’ve only ever heard bits and pieces.”

“We better get comfortable for this story.” Elio propped his pillow up against the headboard, leaning back.

“Long one, huh?” Gianna asked as she followed suit.

“It could be, but I’ll try to give you the abridged version. It started with our great grandfathers, who at one point in time were business partners and friends. That ended when Mattia Russo had an affair with my great-granddad Lorenzo’s wife.”

“You’re all still pissed about that?”

Elio decided to tell the story faster. “No. But let’s just say that history has repeated itself a couple of times. Matt’s grandfather, Riccardo, hoped to win my nonna’s heart. Nonno did.”

“I’m not surprised,” Gianna said. “Even in his eighties, your grandfather is a looker.”

Elio chuckled. “Oh yeah, Nonna said there was never any competition. She took one look at Giovanni Moretti and knew he was hers forever. Gio is named after him.”

“What did Riccardo do?”

“He took his revenge by ruining Nonno financially.”


“The rumors surrounding the Russos claim they acquired their wealth through dirty means. Some speculate they’re connected to the Mafia.”

“No way!”

“It’s just gossip, rumors, but there’s no denying they have a great deal of pull with politicians and city officials who have less-than-savory reputations. Nonno lost his business after a lot of trumped-up citations and false allegations, and his health suffered from the stress. He had a pretty serious heart attack.”

Gianna frowned. “I hate to know he suffered like that, and I can see why your family would be angry. But aren’t Matt and Gage’s grandfather and father dead? I mean, you can’t exactly blame them for the sins of their ancestors. Gage is a really nice guy.”

“I’ve only met Gage once, at the holiday party, and I agree with you. He was very likable. But he’s not Matt.”

Gianna plumped her pillow, turning sideways. She was clearly enjoying the story. “Okay. So what did Matt do?”

“The Russos seem to covet things that aren’t theirs. He and Tony are the same age, and there was some rivalry between them in high school. Tony won senior class president and the position of quarterback on the football team, both things Matt had wanted. So…he retaliated.”

“How?” Gianna asked.

“He slept with Tony’s girlfriend. Had sex with her in the backseat of his car, parked in a place where he knew Tony would catch them.”