Page 64 of Royal Creed

My jaw clenches, frustration tightening in my throat at the reminder of all the decisions that have been taken from her.

Including one very important decision, the consequence of which is currently sleeping on the other side of this wall. But I don’t want to bring that in here. Not now.

“Well then…” I pulse against her, grinning mischievously as I coax her mouth back to mine. “I guess I’ll be able to reap the benefits of that. Because I’ve been dying to know what you feel like with nothing between us.”

She takes my bottom lip between her teeth and pulls. “Then what are you waiting for?”

My erection hardening even more at the promise of feeling her without a barrier, I reach between our bodies, lining myself up at her entrance. I meet her eyes, making sure she truly is okay with this, just as I did our first night together.

This time, she doesn’t nod her permission. Instead, she takes control, lowering herself onto me, both of us moaning at the sensation.

I thought last time was incredible, the way she felt unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

But as Esme moves against me, using my body for her own pleasure, I’ve never been so damn turned on in my life. And not just because the feel of her without a condom is fucking heaven.

It’s because she’s comfortable enough with me to take charge. To explore what she likes. To tell me where to touch her to make her feel even better.

As we both come undone at the same time, our cries swallowed in a desperate kiss, one thing becomes crystal clear.

Esme is one habit I don’t plan to quit anytime soon.

Even if it ends up being my downfall.

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Good morning, you two,” I sing as I plop down on a wicker couch overlooking the pool, Marius and Harriet sitting on a couch across from it, already awake and enjoying their morning coffee. I bring my cup to my lips, savoring the nutty taste.

Even the coffee tastes better this morning.

And I’ve always been one to enjoy my coffee.

But today, it has more flavor.

Everything about this morning is better. More vibrant. More intoxicating.

Last night was one of the best nights of my life. My body still hums and vibrates from the memory of the things Creed did to me. The pleasure he was able to pull from me. Pleasure I didn’t think possible.

I hated having to sneak out of his bed before the sun rose so no one caught me leaving his room, especially Jameson.

All the more reason I never should have agreed to this crazy arrangement. We’re just setting ourselves up for failure.

But like Harriet and Marius urged me to do yesterday, I need to live in the moment.

So that’s what I intend to do. No more thinking about a future with Jameson that’s been planned for me. Instead, I’m only going to think about right now.

And maybe last night with Creed.

“Oh, my god.” Harriet hitches a breath, expression wide as she gawks at me. “You had sex last night!”

Marius darts his gaze toward me, scrunching his brows. “How do you know that?”

Harriet rolls her eyes, gesturing down my frame. “It’s practically written all over her. She’s got that post-coital glow. Don’t tell me you’ve never shagged a girl good enough to make her look like that.”

Indignant, Marius squares his shoulders, head held high. “I’ll have you know, every lady who’s had the privilege of joining me in my bed has left quite satisfied. My comment box has received nary a complaint.”

“Maybe because they were too embarrassed to offer constructive criticism.”