Page 63 of Royal Creed

“You, Creed. I desire you.”

Growling, I capture her mouth, pulling her with me as I fall onto the mattress, her body crashing on top of me.

I yank her hair free from her messy bun, allowing it to cascade around us as she grinds her hips, the combination of her heat against my cock and her addictive mewls of pleasure driving me fucking crazy.

“I love those sounds you make. Those little whimpers.” I scrape my mouth along her skin, nipping at her neck. “Those little cries of relief when I finally touch you where you want me to.” I slide my hand up and down the contours of her frame.

She straightens, moving against me with more desperation. When I cup her breasts in my hands, twisting her nipples, she demonstrates the precise sound I was talking about.

“But do you know what sound I like best?”

“What’s that?” she exhales, increasing her motions.

It takes every ounce of willpower I possess not to flip her onto her back and ram deep inside her. My god, I’m so desperate to feel her again, especially after these last two days of torturing each other.

I grab the back of her neck, urging her closer. “My name on your lips as I make you come.”

She closes her eyes, shuddering in response to my words. Then she returns her fiery stare to me. “Why don’t you fuck me so you can hear that?”

With a grin, I crash my lips to hers in a demanding kiss, about to reach for my stash of condoms in the nightstand.

Except I’m not in my apartment. This isn’t my room. And this nightstand doesn’t have any condoms.

Pulling back, I curse under my breath.

“What is it?” Esme’s concerned eyes search mine. “What did I do wrong?”

“What makes you think you did something wrong?”

She looks away, chewing on her lower lip. “I figured that since your demeanor shifted so suddenly, I did something you didn’t like. I’m still figuring out all this stuff, which sounds pathetic, considering I’m nearly twenty-five and most people my age already have this sex stuff figured out. But—”

I caress her face, bringing her lips to mine. “Believe me. I’m still figuring it out, too. Still figuring out what I like. But I can say with absolute certainly that I don’t have a single complaint in the sex department where you’re concerned. If anything, you make me want to screw you every hour of every damn day.”

“Fiend.” She winks.

I feather my mouth against hers, even her soft kisses driving me wild. “For you, absolutely.”

She sighs, melting into me before returning her questioning stare to me. “But then—”

“I didn’t exactly prepare for this.”

She blinks, still confused. Then realization sets in. “You don’t have any condoms.”

“I’m sorry.” I glance at the clock on the nightstand, noting it’s a little before two. “I can run out, see if there’s a convenience store open.”

“You don’t have to do that,” she offers.

“It’s okay. I don’t mind.”

I start to get up, hoping she doesn’t view this as a sign that this is a bad idea. Hope she won’t change her mind before I get back. I wouldn’t fault her if she did. Hell, I should probably change my mind.

But before I can stand, Esme presses a hand to my chest, pinning me back to the bed.

“I said,” she begins, demeanor shifting from somewhat disappointed to something different. Something much more…sultry. “You don’t have to do that. It’s not necessary.” She gives me a knowing look.

“Are you on birth control?” I can’t mask the surprise in my voice.

“One of the benefits of being born into a world that wants to control every part of my existence.” Her expression falters slightly. “They started me on them several weeks ago. Probably in case Jameson wanted a sample before signing on the proverbial dotted line.”