Page 56 of Royal Creed

The instant he sees me, Jameson calls a timeout and jogs toward me, a few beads of sweat visible on his chest.

And what makes it even worse is how happy he looks to see me, his smile bright, eyes dazzling with appreciation.

“There you are.” His voice is breathless as he leaves a kiss on my cheek. “I was starting to get worried.”

“I was just tired.” I return a tight-lipped smile, ignoring the fire scalding my skin in response to the way Creed watches our interaction from a few feet away. “I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have anywhere to be. Figured I’d take advantage of it.”

“That’s understandable.”

“Hey! Gates!”

At the deep rasp, both of us look toward Creed, his sweat-glistened body putting Jameson’s to shame. While Jameson’s fit physique makes it clear he takes care of himself, he pales in comparison to Creed.

Then again, most people pale in comparison to Creed.

“You in or out?”

Jameson looks back to me, hesitating.

“You go play,” I insist.

“Are you sure? I’ll stay with you.”

“That’s not necessary. I’ll be fine. I’m going to lay out, read a book, maybe take a nap.”

“A nap when you just woke up?” He arches a brow.

“When in Rome,” I respond with a shrug.

“Okay then. Enjoy yourself.” He presses another kiss to my cheek before re-joining the volleyball match.

Blowing out a long breath, I turn to my left, Harriet and Marius watching me with interest. Particularly Marius.

“Mimosa?” He raises a flute filled with a light orange effervescent liquid.

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” I respond, traipsing in the sand toward them and plopping down on the open lounge chair beside them.

I take the glass from him, swallowing several large gulps before setting it down on the small wooden table between us.

“Rough night?” he chides knowingly.

I flash him a warning look.

“What?” He holds up his hands in defense. “It’s an innocent question. But a piece of advice for the next time you’re caught doing something you don’t think you should.” He leans toward me. “The less information you willingly offer, the better. Guilty people tend to overshare. It’s a dead giveaway they’re lying or covering up something.”

“What are you talking about?” Harriet scrunches her brows, her confusion authentic.

Which means he hasn’t told her what he walked in on last night. Or almost walked in on.

“Didn’t I tell you, Harri?” He smirks at me. “Last night, I was dehydrated after drinking a tad too much, so I went down to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. ‘And what to my wondering eyes should appear?’” he jests, quoting that age-old Christmas poem. “But an out-of-breath Creed with a rather flushed Esme, my dear.”

I roll my eyes, leaning back in my chair, allowing the sun to warm my skin. “How long did it take you to come up with that little gem?”

“Only all night.” He winks before his expression turns serious.

“So, you and Creed?” Harriet arches a brow, mindful to keep her voice low.

I doubt the guys can hear us over the ocean waves. Not to mention, they seem quite focused on their volleyball game. But Maggie, Penny, and Cody are lounging nearby. While they most likely wouldn’t make a big deal out of it, I don’t want a lot of people to know.