But it’s an experience I need to forget.
Something that won’t be possible if we’re in the same house. Granted, our family’s villa on the coast is quite large. But I’d hoped my hectic public appearance schedule would limit my interactions with him.
If I go with Anderson, I’ll not just see Creed daily. We’ll be under the same roof.
That’s a disaster waiting to happen.
“Listen…” Anderson clutches my hand, pulling my eyes to his, “I’m getting out of here regardless of whether you join me. I’ve been stationed out of the base here since last year. You’ve only been back a few weeks, so this place may not have sucked the life out of you yet. It will. It always does. So, I’d really like for you to come with me.”
“Anders, I don’t—”
“Imagine if something horrible happened on my next deployment.” He gives me his puppy-dog eyes, everything about him pathetic. “You’d have to live with the regret of not granting me this one final wish for the rest of your life. Is that something you want to put yourself through? I know I wouldn’t.”
I roll my eyes, playfully shoving him. “That’s pretty low, using your deployment to your advantage. You truly are a horrible person.”
“But you love me,” he sings.
“I can’t deny that.”
Grabbing the napkin from my lap, I dab at my mouth before placing it over my plate, signaling I’m done eating. My butler swoops in, removing my meal in mere seconds.
A reminder that someone’s always watching.
Since arriving home, I’ve longed for the freedom I had in Paris. Sure, my security detail kept a watchful eye on me, but it wasn’t like it is here. Constantly being catered to by the royal staff.
Or more appropriately, being suffocated.
I see it in Anderson’s eyes.
I feel it in my heart.
We need a break.
Before it’s too late.
“Okay.” I push out a sigh. “I’ll see what I can work out. You’re right. I’m sure Gianna would move mountains if it meant getting photos of Jameson and me enjoying a romantic getaway on the coast.” I try to hide the sour taste in my mouth at the thought.
“You’re the best.” He jumps out of his chair, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my temple. “I promise to give you a holiday you’ll never forget.”
I meet his smile, feigning enthusiasm. But I can’t shake the feeling this holiday has the potential to blow up in my face.
Chapter Fifteen
“You’re going to the coast?”
I stop as I’m about to climb into my SUV, looking up to find my brother standing on the sidewalk outside of my building in what was once an industrial area on the outskirts of the city. Most of the warehouses have been turned into apartments and lofts. While the rents are starting to rise, since this area is becoming much more desirable, it’s still affordable for someone on a military salary.
“I am,” I tell him, doing my best to keep my voice even. The last thing I need is for Adam to pick up on my reluctance or unease.
Hell, I’m surprised Anderson didn’t pick up on it when he told me about his plan to head to the coast for a holiday. Any other time, I would have jumped at the opportunity to go to the beach, considering I haven’t taken any time for myself over the past eight years. And I most likely won’t be able to take much time for myself once I’m sworn into the guard.
That was before I learned Esme will also be there.
As well as Jameson.
I haven’t seen her since I walked out of her bedroom over a week ago. It’s probably a good thing. I don’t know how I’m supposed to act around her.