Page 36 of Royal Creed

I close my eyes, wrapping my legs around his waist as I run my fingers through his hair. Instinct takes over and I slowly pulse against him.

He cups my face, mouth a breath from mine.

“You feel so damn good. So soft. So warm.” His grip on me tightens as he finally moves inside of me, each retreat and thrust gentle at first. “So mine.”

I tighten the grip my legs have on him, pulling him closer, needing to feel him everywhere all at once.

“Yours,” I promise as I lose myself in him, not caring about the impossibility of ever being his.

In this space, the real world doesn’t exist. All that does is this incredible sensation of bliss I never knew existed. If I did, maybe I would have shunned the royal household’s rules years ago and had sex. I’m glad I didn’t, though. Glad I waited for Creed. Something about this just feels…right, regardless of how wrong it probably is.

But I’m not going to worry about that now. Not going to allow the little time I have with Creed to be riddled with guilt or regret. Instead, I’m going to bask in the moment and pretend we’re two normal people finally succumbing to our desires after years of pent-up want.

It’s not that far from the truth.

“Mine,” he repeats, this time more forceful, his motions mirroring his tone.

I relax my legs, scratching my fingers up and down his back, relishing in the groves of his muscles. “Yours.”

“Mine,” he says once more, thrusting into me at the same time.

“Yours,” I whimper again, grabbing his face in my hands. “Don’t hold back, Creed. If we only have tonight, I want to feel you everywhere. Want to know how wild it can be.”

A roar rips from his throat as he slams his lips to mine, his kiss needy and desperate. A delicious shiver of ecstasy ripples through me when he increases his motions, each drive harder and deeper.

“Oh, god,” I exhale.

“God’s not fucking you, princess. I am.” He covers my nipple with his mouth and my core clenches, body careening toward that peak once more.

I’ve heard my friends talk about multiple orgasms like it’s the Holy Grail of sex. Something so many people seek but never find. I didn’t think it was possible for me.

Then again, I didn’t think sex with Creed was possible, either.

“Don’t fight it, Esme.” Creed forces my eyes to his, raw and steadfast as he drives into me. “Just let go. Let me make you feel good.” He straightens, pressing his thumb to my clit.

I move against him, a myriad of sensations filling me. My chest heaves. Pulse races. Muscles clench. Fire scalds my veins, everything so intense and pronounced I’m convinced I’m on the brink of shattering into a thousand pieces.

If I am, I could think of far worse ways to die than death by orgasm.

“That’s it. Just let yourself feel. Let yourself feel me.”

“I feel you. I feel you everywhere.” I swallow hard, gripping the sheets below me. I need something to keep me grounded when I’m about to catapult into the atmosphere, never to return to earth.

He leans down, lips brushing mine as he rubs my clit with even more intensity. “Come for me,” he demands, breathing ragged. “Let me feel your pussy clench around my cock. Let me hear you scream for me, princess.”

Powerless to fight it any longer, I detonate, my cries of ecstasy echoing against the high ceilings. He quickly covers my mouth with his, swallowing my screams as he completely unravels me.

“Good girl,” he grunts, increasing his motions. “You’re such a good fucking girl.”

I didn’t think it possible to come from words alone, but Creed’s praise does it for me, prolonging my ecstasy. Or it could be from his frantic rhythm as he pushes into me, a man obsessed.

I close my eyes, reveling in the sensation, knowing he’s on the brink of losing what little control he managed to hold onto.

“Look at me, Esme.”

I snap my gaze to his.

“I want to look into your eyes while I fuck you.”