Page 4 of Royal Creed

She scowls, but doesn’t correct me.

For once.

“It’s important to know, Esme.”

“I…” I shake my head, still in disbelief. Then I avert my gaze. “No.”

I don’t know what’s worse. Her question about my sexual history, or my admission that, at nearly twenty-five years old, I don’t have a sexual history.

When you’re a royal, it’s not as easy. Especially when you’re female. The last thing I need is for the tabloids to report on my sexual escapades, painting me as a slut, all while my brother is cheered for sticking his dick into anything with a pulse.

The double standards are exhausting, especially in upper-class society.

“And your monthly cycle… It’s regular? No issues?”

“Why does that matter? Is there an application I don’t know about?”

She heaves a frustrated sigh, removing her glasses. “It’s imperative we’re aware of any potential reproductive problems beforehand. Regardless, I’ll schedule an appointment with the palace physician so he can do a thorough check. Make sure everything’s in working order.”

“Working order?” With every word she speaks, I feel less like a person and more like a piece of property. “Are you shitting me right now?”

“Esme! This behavior is incredibly unbecoming of a woman with your breeding and status. I’d caution against using language like that in front of Jameson and his father. Otherwise, I’m not sure how you’ll be received.”

Unable to tolerate another word of this discussion, I jump to my feet. “I’m not one of your goddamn horses that you parade around and put out to stud. I’m a bloody human being. And I’d appreciate it if I’m treated as such.”

I storm out of her study, needing to get as far away from her and her ridiculous plan as possible. My blood boils, anger blinding me to my surroundings. I’ve been in this place for less than an hour and I wish I’d never come back.

Wish I’d escaped when I still had the chance.

Wrapping my arms around my stomach, I keep my head lowered, not looking where I’m going until I run into something incredibly hard and firm, the force of the impact causing me to lose my balance.

I teeter on my feet, but before I fall, firm hands clutch my hips, keeping me upright. I dart my head up, inhaling a sharp breath when I meet a pair of familiar, dark eyes.

Chapter Two


Deep pools of green meet my stare, the surprise of running into Esme turning me into a statue. But it’s not simply her presence that’s left me frozen in place. This is Lamberside Palace after all. Before she and her brother moved to the apartments at Gladwell, she lived here. Her father and grandmother still live here.

Instead, my inability to conjure a single thought has more to do with the fact that the Esme I remember is nowhere to be found in the person standing before me. The girl I once knew is all woman, the way she carries herself full of sophistication and grace. There’s no longer a hint of awkwardness or uncertainty about her.

Then again, there wasn’t much awkwardness or uncertainty about her the last time I saw her, either.

Eight years ago.

The morning I left for basic training.

Despite the passing of time, I recall that day with striking clarity. How she wrapped her arms around me and ordered me not to do anything stupid. To make sure I came home in one piece before pressing her lips to mine.

It was probably just a friendly gesture. We practically grew up together, our mums having been close before multiple sclerosis took hers from her.

But not a single day in the past eight years has gone by that I haven’t thought about that kiss, even when another woman’s mouth covered mine.

And now that I’m mere inches from Esme, her lips parting as she stares into my gaze, I’m reminded of that kiss once more.

Something I shouldn’t be thinking of, considering she’s my best mate’s little sister, not to mention the Princess Royal. And in a few months, I’ll be sworn into the royal guard, one of the elite few tasked with protecting the lives of the royal family.

An honor to many.