“Have you known him long?”
I shrug dismissively. “Most of my life.”
“He’s like a brother to you then.”
“Yes.” I give him a reassuring smile. “That’s exactly what Creed Lawson is. A brother.”
A brother I just propositioned to take my virginity.
So, no. He’s not like a brother at all. But I’m not about to tell Jameson that.
“Right then.” He clears his throat. “Can I interest you in a walk?”
“Shouldn’t we get back to the meeting?”
“Why bother? It’s not like they’ll listen to us. A walk might do us both some good. Plus, it’ll give us a chance to talk freely, if you know what I mean.”
“Probably more than you can ever imagine,” I mutter under my breath.
As Jameson and I stroll along the path leading from the stables and back toward the gardens, he maintains a respectful distance. Birds chirp overhead, some of them swooping down and cleaning themselves in one of the marble baths strategically placed throughout the well-maintained rows of flowers. The bright sun causes some of the dew-stained petals to sparkle and gleam, everything about the grounds pristine and perfect, the palace backdrop making it look like a scene ripped from a fairy tale.
But it’s all a façade. A show to make those who tour the palace think we lead a charmed life.
In reality, this place is nothing more than a prison. The surroundings may be posh, the food prepared by a Michelin-starred chef, but I’m still trapped here. Still serving a life sentence for committing the crime of being born.
“Can I tell you something?” he asks after several minutes.
“Isn’t that why we’re here?”
A smile teases his mouth. “Too right.” He looks forward again. “When my father told me about this plan, I had the same reaction as you.”
“Really?” I tilt my head, partly surprised. Partly relieved.
“You think because you come with all of this…” He waves his hand at our surroundings, “that I wouldn’t put up a fight?”
“It felt like the playing field was a bit uneven during that meeting. Like I was in one of those dreams where you’re shouting to be heard, yet everyone’s carrying on as if you’re not even there.”
“Believe me, Esme…” He narrows his gaze on me. “You’re not alone. I’m on your side, too.”
I pause in my tracks, studying his expression. He seems sincere. But is he? Or is it just some ploy to get me to agree to my grandmother’s plan?
Or have I been around this world so long that I’ve become cynical whenever someone offers me a moment of honesty?
“Then why did you agree to this?” I ask as we continue walking. “You’re an attractive guy.” I gesture down his frame, taking the time to fully appreciate him now that we’re not on display for the royal household.
Dusty blond hair. Crystal blue eyes. Angled jaw. It’s no surprise he’s been named one of the most eligible bachelors these past few years, especially with the way he fills out his suit.
And he’s not wearing a regular suit. Oh, no. Jameson Gates has to go above and beyond, donning a perfectly tailored three-piece suit. I’m a complete sucker for a man in a vest. It’s better than porn.
Then again, I’m also a sucker for a man in camouflage, fitted t-shirts, and work boots.
“Based on some of the comments I’ve encountered on social media, there’s no shortage of women who would happily marry you.”
“You’re correct.” A nervous laugh falls from his throat as he fights a blush.
I’ve been around privileged and powerful men like Jameson all my life. Not much gets to them. It can’t, not if you’re to be successful, like Jameson’s family is. Like Jameson is.
It’s refreshing to know some things do embarrass him. That he is human.