I bite my lower lip, searching his eyes. When I walked into that meeting and saw him there, it never crossed my mind he could merely be a pawn, too.
But as my grandmother taught me all those years ago, two pawns in the center of a chess board are strongest when standing side by side. Advancing one may leave the other weak.
We may both be pawns, but if we’re to survive, I need to stand by Jameson’s side, regardless of the personal sacrifice.
“I can do that.”
“Thank you.” He squeezes my hand, briefly floating his eyes to my mouth. “Do you…” He expels an anxious laugh. “Would you object if I kissed you?”
On a sharp inhale, I stiffen. My lips part, but no response is forthcoming.
“If we’re to sell this relationship to the masses,” he continues when I remain mute, “at some point, we’ll have to kiss. It might be better if our first kiss didn’t occur under the scrutiny of the palace PR team or the media. Or worse yet, the powers that be in the royal household.” He rolls his eyes. “I’d rather not receive kissing pointers from that sniveling troll, Silas Archer.”
“You have a point.” I laugh at his rather astute assessment of my grandmother’s most trusted advisor.
“So, what do you say? Can I kiss you?”
I swallow hard, wracked with indecision.
It’s only a kiss, not a life or death situation.
I can’t help but feel that if I allow Jameson to kiss me, my fate will be sealed.
But isn’t it sealed anyway?
I can fight this all the way to the bitter end, but it won’t change anything. I may as well make the most out of the situation. May as well take the small victories where I can find them. And that includes doing as much as we can on our terms. Like our first kiss.
“I’d like that.”
He swipes his tongue along his lips, moistening them as his expression changes from playful to more serious. More sensual.
Stepping toward me, he drops his hold on my hand, bringing it to my cheek. His grip is resolute, determined. It reminds me of the way Creed’s hands felt on my skin.
He’s the last person I should be thinking about right now, but I can’t stop myself from wishing it were his hand cupping my face. His dark gaze I were staring into. His lips descending toward mine.
I close my eyes, trying to forget how Creed’s mere proximity brought me to life. But when Jameson’s mouth brushes mine in my first taste of him, all I can do is long for Creed’s kiss.
Maybe then I’d feel something.
Because right now, even as Jameson coaxes my lips to part in a deep yet respectful kiss, I feel absolutely nothing.
Chapter Eight
I shouldn’t have followed them. Should have found Anderson and forgotten all about what just transpired.
But I can’t.
Esme asked me to sleep with her.
And not just sleep with her, but take her virginity.
I tell myself I did the right thing. She’s the bloody Princess Royal. Anderson would murder me. He’s always been protective of his sister, even from miles away. Not to mention, my brother’s her goddamn chief protection officer. He knows everything she does.
But all these reasons don’t make my decision any easier to swallow.
I’ve spent the better part of the past decade serving my country. Passed special teams training at the top of my class. Was airdropped into some of the most dangerous places in the world and managed to make it out with my life.