Page 24 of Forbidden Proposal

“Ma’am,” my butler greets as he enters my suite once more. “Captain Lawson is ready to drive you and Mr. Gates to the hotel.”

“Tell him we’ll be right out.”

“Of course.” He spins on his heels, leaving me alone with Jameson.

“Shall we?” he asks, holding his elbow out toward me.

“Thank you.” I loop my arm through his, allowing him to escort me out of my apartment.

As we step into the foyer my apartment shares with the one across it, which happens to be Anderson’s flat, I glance at the door, wondering if Creed’s in there. If he’s standing by the window, about to watch me leave with Jameson. But I don’t have long to ruminate on that, Jameson steering me outside, where a man dressed in a dark suit waits for us beside an idling limo.

“Your Highness,” Adam greets with a bow.

The sight of him catches me by surprise.

Sure, I knew my chief protection officer would be accompanying us to this evening’s event. But it’s the first time I’m seeing him since I propositioned his younger brother to take my virginity.

The more I think about it, the more I realize it wasn’t one of my finer moments. Even so, it doesn’t stop my heart from wishing Creed had said yes.

“Good evening, Adam,” I say with a smile. “This is Jameson Gates. My boyfriend.” I wince slightly, the term sounding foreign and wrong. But I need to get used to referring to him as such. “Jameson, this is Captain Adam Lawson of the royal protection squad. He’s my CPO.”

“CPO?” Jameson furrows his brow.

“Chief protection officer,” Adam answers evenly. “Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Gates.”

If he finds it suspicious that I suddenly have a boyfriend when he never saw me spend much time with another man the past three years he’s been on my protection team, he doesn’t say anything.

“Didn’t we meet the other day?” Jameson glances my way. “In the stables.”

“That was Creed.” I force a smile. “Adam’s younger brother.”

“Oh.” He blinks rapidly. “My apologies.”

“It’s a common mistake,” I assure him. “They do bear a strong resemblance.”

Once Jameson and I are situated in the back of the limo, Adam jumps into the driver’s seat.

As he navigates away from the Gladwell Leper Colony, as I refer to the compound of apartments and cottages where most other members of the royal family live, Adam finds my eyes through the rearview mirror, a question within. Then his gaze moves to Jameson, studying him with suspicion.

I’m pretty sure Jameson senses it, too, reaching across the seat and clutching my hand in his. When I bring my gaze to his, he treats me to an endearing smile. But there’s a reminder there, too. After all, everyone’s supposed to think this is a real relationship. Including my chief protection officer.

So instead of pulling my hand away after a gentle squeeze, I keep it there, enjoying the warmth as he brushes his thumb along my knuckles, his touch settling my nerves.

Until we near the Monarch Hotel and I see the crowds of reporters, photographers, and other royal watchers filling the sidewalk, all of them here after receiving an anonymous tip that they’d catch some big scoop.

An anonymous tip called in from Gianna herself.

As the limo comes to a stop, I draw in a calming breath, the lights from the camera flashes blinding, even against the darkened windows. Neither one of us says anything right away, enjoying these last few moments of silence.

Of freedom.

But it’s fleeting, Adam soon jumping out of the limo, opening my door, and extending his hand toward me.

In an instant, I transition from the woman I’ve been the past several years into the woman I now have to be as the Princess Royal.

Plastering a smile on my face, I accept Adam’s hand and stand, waving to the assembled crowd as they shout my name. Then Jameson steps out behind me, the flashes becoming even more incessant as photographers fight to snap our photo.

He places a hand on my lower back, and I lift my eyes to his, looking upon him as if he invades my every waking thought. I thought it would be harder to pretend like this, but it’s not. How could it be when every part of my life has been a lie? An elaborate display the royal family puts on to keep the masses entertained.