Page 93 of Rust or Ride

Ever since we voted Rock in as our president, the MC has forbidden any exchange of sex for money inside Crystal Ball. Girls get caught offering anything more than a dance, they’re fired on the spot. If customers try to solicit our dancers, they’re kicked out. This is one reason I hadn’t been thrilled about hiring some of Loco’s girls. Even iftheywanted to transition to dancing instead of prostitution, the customers didn’t know that. Crystal Ball isn’t located far from Loco’s brothel. That our customers might overlap isn’t a surprise.

We need to stayoffof law enforcement’s radar. Being known as the place strippers will blow you in the back room for a couple extra dollars is a surefire way to have cops in here on the regular. Eventually, that would invite questions about some of the MC’sotheractivities.

The VIP rooms aren’t big. Z redecorated each one with a different theme in mind. This one must’ve been his version of “sleazy hotel lobby.” At least that’s what I’ve called it since the first time he showed it to me. A curved leather-like couch lines one wall. A low, round table that the girls use as a mini-stage rests in the middle of the small room. The walls are covered in some kind of black-and-white velvet wallpaper. Two cameras in the corners are focused on the couch and table.

Malik’s blocking the door behind me. He’ll make sure no one escapes without punishment.

I stalk around the table, wishing for the thousandth time it wasn’t nailed to the fucking floor so I could kick it out of my way. Shaking out my arms and flexing my fingers, I keep my eyes on the one who’d been holding the girl.

“What part of ‘no touching’ and ‘hands to yourself’ confused you?” I point to the large, red sign on the wall that has those words spelled out in white capital letters.

“It’s a fucking strip club, my dude,” he says in this overly goofy, boys bonding sort of way that irritates the ever-loving shit out of me.

“That means they dance, you watch,” Malik rumbles. “Nottouch.”

“Or help them off with their clothes,” I add, slanting a look at the other clown. He grins at me like he’s proud of himself.

You’re gettin’ punched first, smart-ass.

They take in the grave expression on my face and seem to realize I’m not here to congratulate them. The first one shoves his buddy and tries to work his way around the table.

I reverse direction, blocking his escape.

He tries to run the other way.

Not interested in a game of merry-go-round, I end the dance by jumping up on the table and bringing my fist down on the groper’s cheek.

Pain ripples over my knuckles but I ignore it.

The guy falls back on the couch, clutching his face.

Behind me, Malik snickers. “You two fucked around with the wrong dude and now you gonna find out.”

Ignoring him, I grab the other one by the collar, yanking him forward. This one has some fight in him. He throws a wild punch.


His knuckles actually catch my chin. My head snaps to the side.

I let out an annoyed grunt as I absorb the blow. Standing on the table is no longer giving me an advantage. I throw the guy who hit me Malik’s way and concentrate on the other one. He rolls off the couch, landing on his feet and springs up with his fists curled, prepared to block any punches.

Good for you, buddy.

He throws a punch and I easily dodge it, shifting my upper body to the side and laughing. “That’s all you got?” I taunt.

He tries again and I weave the other way, avoiding the hit.

Throwing my fists up, I step closer, drop my shoulder and jab at him.Once. Twice.Jaw. Chest. I only throw a fraction of the force I’m capable of behind the punches. I want to teach him a lesson, not kill him.

He stumbles against the wall, then pushes away from it, launching himself at my midsection.

I only have a second to brace for the impact that drives me across the room into the other wall. This time, I fire off a left hook with more power behind it. His head snaps back. I let loose with another shot to his ribs. He stumbles to the side but stays on his feet.

“You had enough?” I ask, preparing to crack him again.

“I’m gonna sue you,” he mutters.

I roll my eyes. “I’m shaken to my core.”