Page 92 of Rust or Ride

I can’t tell if he’s askingwhyshe’s banned from the club or commenting on her appearance. “Other than being a she-devil, she’s addicted to causing trouble.”

“Got it.” He hands my phone back. “Send me that?”

“Everything all right out there?” I ask, tapping my phone to send the photo.

“Gonna be a busy night.”

“Good.” I glance around the club, noting who else is working tonight. “I’m gonna have Blue take over door duty and put you on the VIP rooms.”

We go over a few details, then I send him on his way. Next stop is Willow to remind her not to talk to Inga if she calls or stops by. Willow’s cheeks flush red. She’d been partially responsible for Inga sending the lawsuit to Hope, and even though I don’t bring it up, she obviously still feels bad about it.

Nonstop fucking drama in this place.

The longer I’m in charge of Crystal Ball, the more I understandwhyRock wanted to get the fuck away from here.

A few hours later, we’re packed. Numbers are close to where we’ll need to turn people away at the door soon.

In the back of my head, the impending conversation with Emily looms like a storm cloud.

From the hallway that leads to the VIP rooms, I catch Malik waving a hand to signal me.

“What now?” I mutter, pushing my way through the crowd. I almost knock one of the waitresses over in my hurry. She squeals and fixes the kitty ears on her head as I pass. Fuckingcat ears. Maybe we need a uniform for the waitresses. One that doesn’t include goddamn cat ears.

“What’s wrong?” I ask Malik.

“Got two bros who don’t understand the ‘no touching’ policy.”

An evil smile curls my lips.Thisis what I need tonight.

“I already gave them one warning and they said they’d behave but I don’t—”

Malik’s cut off by a short scream from the room to our left. We bolt into action. Adrenaline thunders through my veins as I turn and push the door open.

I rein in my urge to murder while my eyes absorb the scene faster than my brain can process it.

Topless girl. In a customer’s lap. Pushing and struggling to extract herself from his grip. His buddy’s short, chubby fingers working to untie the strings holding her shorts together.

“Let her go. Now.” My voice thunders over the music. The two customers turn toward us wide-eyed. The distraction gives the girl—Minnie, I now recognize—enough slack to scramble away from them. She trips over her high-heeled black boots, and I catch her before she hits the carpet.

“What’s going on?” I ask Minnie, releasing her once she’s steady.

She fixes the tiny straps of her red-and-white polka dot top into place with shaky hands but her voice is firm. “This dude is insane in the brain.” She flings her hand toward the guy who’d been holding her. “Offering me more money if I suck his dick.” She huffs. “I’m done with that shit,” she adds so low I almost miss it.

“I got this, sweetheart.” I tilt my head toward the club. “Go work the floor or take a break.”

“Thank you, Dex.” She leans up, like she’s going to kiss my cheek, but I block her with my shoulder and pull away.

“Go on,” I urge in a gruffer tone.

Behind me, Malik exchanges a few words with her before her heels click away. He cracks his knuckles while I study the two clowns in front of me.

I’ve been working at Crystal Ball and rolling around with the filthiest fuckers long enough to recognize the stench of trouble. It rolls off these entitled assholes in waves.

I’m going to enjoy this.

Am I worked up more than this situation calls for because of my earlier encounter with Inga? Maybe. But who gives a fuck? Purging this violent energy now will calm me for the conversation Emily and I need to have later.

Whatever the reason, I’m about to deliver a painful lesson.