Page 9 of Rust or Ride

It’s too early to open the club. I could go in and start inventory before Willow’s shift, but it’ll be easier if she’s there to help. Before running into Emily, I’d planned to drop by Furious Fitness for a workout. Maybe I’ll get lucky and Wrath won’t be there to harass me into “one more rep” or hound me about the evils of processed sugar.

No such luck. My brother’s massive blue GMC pickup is in its usual spot. At least I’ll be able to razz his ass for taking his cage to work instead of riding. A black Ford’s parked next to Wrath’s monstrosity—Murphy’s old truck that Grinder’s been using since he got out of prison. Fucking hell. I’m not in the mood for one of the old man’s lectures today.

Inside, it’s quiet. Seems I missed peak workout time for all the local housewives.Good.I won’t have to deal with Wrath trying to set me up on a fucking date.

Wrath’s office door is closed. Maybe his wife paid him a visit. Trinity’s photography studio is right next door so she’s at the gym a lot.

I shove the locker room door open harder than I intended, almost smacking into Grinder. He drops his brush into an open can of white paint and scowls. Looks like he was trying to touch up the walls where the door handle often hits the drywall.

“What’s the hurry?” he grumbles. The irritated expression slides off his bearded face as he turns and realizes it’s me. “Morning, Dex.”

Guess my fucking luck just ran out.

“What are you doing here? Don’t you have a pregnant ol’ lady to be watching over?” My question comes out harsher than intended. Annoyance over the lecture Grinder had given me at Teller’s wedding must still be stirring in my brain. Thankfully, Grinder ignores my attitude.

“She’s with Lilly,” he explains, picking up his brush again and tapping off the excess paint.

“They seem to have gotten tight.” Z’s wife always liked Serena. Now that Grinder’s the SAA at our downstate charter, the four of them probably double-date for all I know.

He nods. “I think Lilly’s as excited about the baby as we are.”

Uncomfortable with the subject, I blurt out, “I ran into Emily this morning. Had to give her a ride to work. Her car broke down.”

Grinder frowns and sets his paint brush on the edge of the can. “She all right?”

“She’s fine. Griff’s gonna take a look at the car and let me know what it needs.” I hold up my hands to ward off any questions. “Don’t worry. I said I’d give her a ride home from work tonight. I won’t leave a friend of the club stranded.”

“Didn’t think you would.” His hard eyes drill into me. “Sounds like you’ll be spending some time—”

“Easy, Grinder. It’s just a few rides. Out of necessity. Nothing more.”

He shrugs. “Great relationships have started with less.”

“Great relationships?”Who is this man?“What are you, a dating coach now?”

He grumbles something and shakes his head. “Thanks for doing that for her.”

“No need to thank me, brother.” I shift from foot to foot. “I couldn’t leave her stranded in a cemetery, for fuck’s sake.”

“Where did…?” His question dies as he realizes what that means.

“Let it go,” I warn, not that he gives a fuck about a warning from me. “It’s not that big a deal.”

“You know what they say about rusting or riding?” Grinder asks. He doesn’t bother waiting for an answer. “You can either rust out from doing nothing or wear out from living life.”

“I’ve heard variations of that line forever,” I answer cautiously. “Usually fromyou.”

“It’s deeper than that,” he continues. “You know what destroys iron? Itself. Rust. People aren’t that much different. Loneliness is a rust on the heart.”

“Who’s lonely? I’m surrounded by people all day, every day.” I narrow my eyes and cock my head. “My life is full of nosy-ass brothers who dissect my life whenever I voice a thought.”

One corner of Grinder’s mouth twitches. “I’ve known you since you were a boy, Dixon.”

“Hardly.” I snort.

“My heart, all our hearts, hurt for you when Debbie died.”

My entire body stiffens. Pain prickles over my scalp.