Page 88 of Rust or Ride

I glare at her, wanting her to understand the stakes. “It’s always a possibility.”

Her skin pales even further and tears glisten in her eyes. “I really thought you’d help me, Dex.”

“You thought wrong.” I jerk my chin toward her car. “You burned all your bridges here. Take your ass on back to California and stay there.”

Her shoulders slump and she finally shuffles to her SUV.

She climbs in and stares at me through the windshield while she starts the vehicle. If she’s contemplating running me over, she better do a good job.

I plant my feet wide and hold her stare, practically daring her to try it.

Finally, she puts it in drive and rolls out of her parking spot toward the exit. I take my phone out again and snap a picture of her license plate.

After Inga’s gone, I check to see if Emily returned my text. I’d give anything to see her face after that nightmare from the past.

When the fuck did I turn into such a needy asshole?

Nothing from Emily.

Fuck it. I need to go inside and warn Malik to be on the lookout for a walking skeleton with blonde hair and an attitude of entitlement.


Jesus Christ, what now?

I turn and like a prayer answered, Emily’s striding toward me. With the sun behind her, lighting up her reddish hair like a fiery halo, she looks like the firecracker that I like to call her.

My gaze drops to her pinched expression.

A firecracker about to explode.

Now what could I have done to put that fury in her eyes?

By now, she’s probably figured out Crystal Ball isn’t just a nightclub.

“Who was that woman?” Emily asks.

Great. She saw me talking to Inga. Depending on what she witnessed, the intensity of our conversation could’ve looked like a lover’s spat.

Of all the fucking days for Emily to find out where I work and pay me a visit. Ithadto be the day Inga returns to ambush me in the parking lot? I tip my head back, squinting at the sky.

I only do bad things to bad people, so why do you hate me so much, universe?

“Dex?” Emily prompts. “Who was that woman?” she asks in a softer voice. Hurt ripples underneath the question.

“Someone who used to work here.” I hold out my hands to the sides. “Is that really the question you want to ask?”

She steps closer. So close, a hint of her citrus and vanilla scent tempts me to pull her into my arms.

But I don’t.

Anger still crackles in the air around her. She might not be yelling, but she’s far from pleased with me. Can’t blame her, really.

Her mouth twists into a wry smile and she gestures toward the building. “Nightclub, huh?”

I shrug. “We’re open at night.”

“I don’t like liars.”