Page 85 of Rust or Ride

Is this the kind of relationship I want to be in? One where I can’t trust the guy to go to his job?

“This is stupid,” I grumble.

But a few minutes later, I’m rewarded for my stalking efforts when Dex steps outside. Alone.

My stupid heart jumps at the sight of his large frame and serious expression.

Like I tumbled into a bad Lifetime movie, where the girl flips out and stalks the boyfriend who rejected her, I stare.

Why does his scowl make him even hotter? Maybe because around me he’s all relaxed smiles and sexy determination. Even from here, I notice the tension in his shoulders and jaw. The silly, smitten part of me wants to rub his back or do something to take the tension away.

My phone buzzes, scaring me out of my trance. I jump, banging my elbow into the door.

“Ow. Dammit.” I grab my phone and stare at the screen.

Dex: Thinking of you.

A sliver of the icy doubt around my heart melts. He stepped out of a club full of naked women to sendmea text? Why is he thinking of me when he’s in the middle of a shift at every man’s dream job?

I need to talk to him. Not sit here and watch like a lovesick teenager. I’m too old to behave this way.

I wrap my fingers around the door handle and push it open.

“Dex!” a woman’s voice calls out.

Keep my man’s name out of your mouth, bitch.

Chill, it’s probably someone who works here.

Quietly, I slink back into my seat, leaving the door slightly open so I don’t make a sound and draw their attention.

They’re too far away for me to hear their conversation but they definitely know each other. She’s tall, skinny, and blonde. An ex-girlfriend?

I wish I’d never come here. Why did I have to let my curiosity get the best of me?

When she steps closer and touches him, I die a little inside.



It’smid-afternoon when I step outside and squint into the sunshine. Crystal Ball’s heavy back door clanks shut behind me.

Fifteen minutes to myself. That’s all I want. A few moments of quiet with none of the girls following me outside to bitch about hours, locker assignments, or whatever else has them in a tizzy.

The relentless throb of the music inside chases me away from the door. The parking lot isn’t packed at this time of day. We’re not fully staffed yet. Most of the dancers and employees usually park back here. Customers do too, sometimes. They’re the reason I make sure someone walks all the girls to their cars at the end of the night.

Someone parked a dark red SUV I don’t recognize directly across from my bike. I frown at it for a second. Hell, I can’t keep up with all the different vehicles these girls drive.

I walk over to my bike, contemplating getting on it and riding away. No, notaway. To Emily’s house. I can’t stop thinking about her. Seeing her every time I close my eyes.

I pull out my phone and send her a text.

Thinking of you.

I stare at the screen for a few seconds, waiting for a reply.

A car door clunks shut somewhere behind me.