Page 79 of Rust or Ride

“Puts you closer to our wee support club, too,” Murphy adds.

“Sayingweedoesn’t make me not want to call you a leprechaun, you know,” Wrath says.

“You can have the place,” Teller says. “Rent free.”

My gaze swings between Teller and Grinder.

Teller sighs and sits forward, resting his elbows on the table. “I own the building.”

“My, my, look at you.” Wrath clucks his tongue. “Our little prince is a real estate mogul.”

“Look who’s talking,” Teller says. “Aren’t you and Trinity about to close on your retreat up north?” Teller focuses on me again. “Top apartment is available to any brother in need. Still furnished. Nothing fancy. But it’s yours if you want it.”

Well, shit.That was simple. And I don’t even have to deal with Grinder’s grumpy ass. Just Teller’s. “Thanks, brother.”

Wrath pushes his chair away from the table, stands, and pats my shoulder. He doesn’t offer any more thoughtful commentary, thank fuck.

“I gave my keys back to the little prince,” Grinder says, lifting his chin in Teller’s direction.

Teller rolls his eyes. “We can stop with thelittle princebullshit any time now.”

“I’ll catch you later,” Grinder says.

“Everything all right?” I ask.

“Serena wasn’t feeling too hot this morning. I want to get back to her.”

Aw, shit.“She’s close to her due date, right?”

“Yeah,” he says in that slow, irritable way of his, “that’s why I wanna stop gabbing and get back to her.”

“Go, go.” I thump his back. “Call me if you need something.”

“Keep us in the loop,” Rock says as Grinder hurries out the door.

“Not that it’s a contest, but I want to check on Charlotte,” Teller says, pushing his chair in. “Stop by my place when you get a chance and I’ll give you the keys.”

“Shouldn’t you put like a keypad or something on the place?” Murphy asks.

Teller scowls. “I guess I could. Then I’d have to run out there and change the code every time one of my deviant brothers spent the night there.” He glances my way. “Not you, Dex.”

“Didn’t think you were talking about me.”

Rock catches my eye. “Stick around for a minute.”

What now?“Sure, boss.”

Murphy and Teller leave, tossing insults and jokes at each other the whole way out.

Rock shakes his head as he watches them.

“Things are getting back to normal,” I say. None of us brought it up but we’d all felt the tension between Rock, Teller, and Murphy right before Rock and Teller announced their familial relationship to the rest of the club.

“Feels like it.” The corners of his mouth turn up. “I think Bit-bit’s arrival helped.”

“Hard to be mad at your best friend when he’s your kid’s uncle, I guess.”

He snorts. “Yeah, something like that.” He slaps his palm against the table and sits forward. “Enough about those knuckleheads, you doing okay?”