Page 76 of Rust or Ride

Do I feel like explaining all the demons that chase me in my sleep? Not really. “I don’t sleep well. So I use whatever I can to help.”

His expression shifts from amused to concerned. “Why can’t you sleep?”

I shrug. “Nothing I feel like talking about.” Especially when he not-so-subtly dodged my question about why he joined his MC. “Not when I have a hot, wet, naked man in my shower.”

He stares at me for a few beats then nods. I doubt it’ll be the last time he asks. Eventually I’ll have to tell him.

And maybe he’ll trust me enough to answermyquestions.



I hatelike hell rolling out of Emily’s bed the next morning. It took a while to get here. Leaving seems like spitting in the face of destiny or some shit. But I can’t miss church. Other than being out on the road or stuck at Crystal Ball with some emergency, I never miss church.

I stare at Wrath’s text.

Church. Noon.

Wrath’s not one to waste words.

I need to leave soon if I’m going to be on time. Showing up late will only get me fined and ridiculed by my brothers.

“Do you have to go?” Emily whispers, sitting up next to me.

Christ, she’s making this harder—all rumpled and sleepy. Still modest, though. Pressing the sheet to her chest like a football team’s about to burst through her bedroom door.

“Got church,” I answer. “Have to be there.”

Her forehead wrinkles. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I didn’t think you were the religious type.”

I can’t quite tell if she’s serious or not. Turning my head, I study her face. Last night I took her comment the wrong way—proof I really have no business getting into a relationship with her or anyone else.

But she’s too damn tempting. I roll to my knees and rip the sheet off her, pushing her flat to the mattress. “I’m not.” I drop kisses on her forehead and cheeks. “Only place I want to worship is here.” I press a kiss to her lips, then slide lower. I curl my hands around her breasts and pause to suck at each nipple. “Here.”

“Oh.” She laughs softly and runs her fingers through my hair.

“I’m not done.” I keep kissing my way down her body.

“I get it! I get it!” She giggles and squirms to sit up again. “My temple is closed this morning.”

I rest my forehead on her knee and shake with laughter. “You catch on quick.”

She reaches down and runs her fingers through my hair. “Tell me more about church?”

That question stops me from burying my face in her pussy. I lift my head and meet her inquiring eyes. “What do you want to know?” I ask carefully.

“Do you all get together to worship at the altar of Harley-Davidson?” She wiggles her eyebrows. “Confess your sins of the week?”

“None of my brothers are equipped to handle that.” I snort with laughter. “We’re our brothers’ keepers, not their priests.”

“Brother’s keeper, huh.” She tilts her head, staring toward the window. “That’s nice.”

“Nice? None of us are nice, sweetheart.”

“That’s not true. Grayson’s nice.”

I let out a short laugh. “To you and Serena maybe. To us, he’s a grumpy fucker.”