Page 72 of Rust or Ride

She flicks a button and the little thing buzzes to life, ears vibrating like crazy. Stronger motor than I expected. She clicks it off and stares at me.

“Well?” I prompt.

“Your pants are still on.”

Biting my lip to hold in my laughter, I unbuckle my belt. She slicks her tongue over her bottom lip, eyes shining with anticipation. The way she looks at me could easily turn into my new favorite addiction.

Before taking off my jeans, I pull a few condoms from my pocket and toss them on the floor next to my foot.

Emily crawls to the edge of the bed and slips her fingers under the band of my boxer briefs.

“No.” I wrap my fingers around her wrist. “You only saidpantsoff. Be a good girl and honor your end of the deal.”

My voice remains firm and steady, but fuck me, if her hand slides any lower, this game isover.

“Fair,” she concedes, nodding and moving back into the center of the bed.

“No.” I ease onto the stool, dragging it as close as possible. “Down here.” I pat the foot of the bed.

The first hint of real unease flickers over her expression. “That’s, um, really front and center.”

“I don’t want to miss anything.”

She bites her lip.

“What are you worried about?”

“Dimples on my thighs? Stray hairs?” She shrugs. “I don’t know.”

I bark out a harsh laugh. “I assure you I’ll be one hundred percent focused on where that rabbit is.”

She lets out an annoyed huff. “Fine.” Quickly, she scooches toward me. When she stops, she’s still too far away. I wrap my hands around her ankles and drag her all the way to the edge.

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it with you watching so damn close,” she mutters.

“Yes, you can.” I tease my fingers over the straps of her underwear. “Need help?”

“No.” She tilts her head. “Do you want to watch howIdo it, or is this purely for your viewing pleasure?”

Interesting way to put it. And I understand the difference better than she realizes. Women writhe, moan, and roll around touching themselves in the hopes of capturing my attention all the time. That’s not what I need or want from Emily, though.

“I don’t want a performance, Emily,” I answer honestly. “I want the real you. All of you. Pretend I’m not here.”

“That’s kind of hard to do when you’re right up in my business.” She waves her hand between us.

I sit back, crossing my arms over my chest. “I’ll behave.”

“Okay.” She’s still hesitant but she brings her legs up, placing her feet on the bed and leaning back on her elbows.

I open my mouth, then swallow down my filthy words. I promised to be a silent viewer. And I’m dying to see exactly what she likes.

“God, I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she mutters so low I almost don’t catch the words.

Then she clicks on the vibrator and I fight the urge to tell her to open her legs.

She’s slow at first. Tentative. Because I’m here or that’s how she normally starts, I’m not sure. I uncross my arms and lean forward.

“Are you watching?” she whispers.