Page 71 of Rust or Ride

Her forehead crinkles and she pushes her lips into a playful pout. “But this looks painful.” She cups me through my jeans and rubs hard enough to make me groan.

Why am I trying to slow things down?

Because she’s not a quick fuck.

“I want to see you, first.” And I enjoy playing with her way too much.

She hooks her thumb under her bra strap, teasing it on and off her shoulder. “I’m right here.”

My gaze darts to her nightstand. How much can my playful girl handle? “Do you have any toys?”

“Toys?” She sits back on her heels and frowns. “Like Legos? Or sex toys?”

I choke on a laugh and shake my head. “Like a vibrator.”

Another frown and a twist of her lips to the side. “We already know you don’t need any assistance getting methere.”

Fuck, yes.I haven’t stopped thinking about the way she catches fire since that night on her couch. “True. But I still want to know if you have any.”

“Will you judge me if I say yes?”

“I’m the one who asked.” I step away and clasp my hands behind my back, like the good boy I’ll pretend to be for at least a few minutes. “Show me.”

She arches an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“No, that’s whatyou’llbe doing. Again and again tonight.” I locate a short stool in front of her dresser and roll it over to the end of her bed. I drop onto it carefully, praying the delicate thing can hold my weight.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

I guess it’s time to use plainer words. “I want to watch you get yourself off.”

She reels back and shifts to the middle of the bed. “No way.”

“Why not?”

“Because.” She sputters and looks around, like the answer can be found tangled in the blankets. “That’spersonal.” She whispers the last word.

I stare her dead in the eyes. “I’ve had my tongue buried in your pussy. It doesn’t get more personal than that.”

The prettiest shade of pink spreads over her chest up to her cheeks. But she lifts her chin. “You’ve got a point,” she says with a boldness that seems to override her embarrassment. Her gaze drops to my belt. “Take your pants off and I’ll consider allowing you to meet Little Roger.”

Now I liftmyeyebrows. “You named itLittle Roger?”

She shrugs but blushes an even deeper shade of pink. “Like Roger Rabbit. Never mind.” Her nose wrinkles. “You’re not going to get jealous and try to throw him out, are you? I had a guy throw a tantrum once and I have to tell you, it was a very unmanly scene. Left my vagina drier than a pinecone.”

I choke on another laugh. Jesus Christ, the stuff that comes out of her mouth. Then I frown as I picture herherein this bed with another man.

“Real men aren’t intimidated by toys.” I flash a wicked smile. “And they like to know every possible way to get their partner off.”

“Every possible way.” She touches her fingertips to her chest. “Oh, my.”

She leans toward the nightstand, stretching and arching her back in a way that’s tempting as fuck. My heart rate revs as she digs around in the drawer for a few seconds. Finally, she pulls out a little white-and-purple wand with what looks like two pointy purple bunny ears.

“That’s it?” I ask.

She slants a warning look my way. “You said you wouldn’t judge.”

“No judging.” I hold up my hands.