Page 186 of Rust or Ride

“Okay.” I smile up at him. What does that mean, though? His life ishere.With his club. I could sense how much he’s been missed lately. Because he’s been spending so much time around me. I can’t ask him to move in with us. Even if I could, would that be fair to Libby?

“Emily,” he rumbles. “Where’d you go?”

“Right here,” I answer.

“No, your mind’s working overtime.” He kisses my forehead. “Just stay in this moment with me.”

“There’s nowhere else I want to be.”

All those questions can wait.



“Is this okay?”I hold up a thin, purple V-neck sweater, mildly annoyed with myself for asking Dex to approve my outfit. But what if the women dress up for breakfast and I look sloppy next to them?

“I like you in purple,” he says, which doesn’t really answer my question.

“I mean, should I wear something nicer? I brought a blouse and skirt.” They’re probably both wrinkled from being stuffed in my backpack, though.

“Em, no one cares. Everyone’s laid-back here.” He blinks as if he’s trying to remember something. “Pretty sure some of the girls get together for yoga before breakfast and show up in whatever they wear to that. Or pajamas.”

“Oh.” I paw through my bag again. Did I bring leggings?

He pulls my backpack away and holds out his hand. “Do you want to hang that up in there?” He nods to his closet, then the skirt and blouse I’m still holding.

He peers into my open bag. “You brought a lot for an overnight. Do you want to leave some of it here?”

My heart flutters but then my stomach churns. “I wasn’t sure what would be appropriate to wear. I didn’t bring all this stuff so I could move in or anything.”

His jaw clenches. “I want you to be comfortable here. Leave whatever you want.”

I hand over the skirt and blouse.

“Thank you,” he says in this sexy-sarcastic way that should be annoying, but it’s too hot.

After placing my outfit in his closet next to a row of neatly hung shirts arranged by sleeve length, he stalks to his dresser, yanks open the two top drawers, scoops everything out of the first one and drops them into the second.

He holds out his hand again. “Give me whatever you want to leave here.”

My gaze shifts from his determined face to the now-empty drawer. “You’re taller. You should keep the top drawer.”

At first he frowns, then he shakes with laughter. “It really doesn’t matter, Emily.”

“Well,” I glance around the room, “I’d say I’d leave the green set here, but the panties need a good trip through the washer and I’m not even sure where they ended up.”

He jerks his thumb over his shoulder. “There’s a washer and dryer on this floor.”

“Oh. Convenient.”

He cocks his head, still waiting.

“Okay, okay.” I grab my backpack and tip it upside down, spilling everything onto the bed. My cheeks flame. I really did overpack.

I grab a black cotton bra and panty set, a long-sleeved T-shirt, a tank top, and a pair of black leggings.Hah!I knew I’d packed them.

“Here.” I turn and hand him the items.