Page 184 of Rust or Ride

Outrage shines in her eyes and her jaw drops. “I won’t be able to show my face downstairs.”

“Why? No one’s gonna care. Or even know who was making all that beautiful music.”

She drops her forehead to my side, her shoulders shaking with laughter. “My throat does feel a bit raw.”

I lift my chin toward the small refrigerator near my closet. “Give me a second. I’ve got some water and stuff in there.”

Groaning as I sit up, I cup one of her knees and lift her leg, admiring the sticky mess coating her thighs.

“You look absolutely feral,” she whispers.

“I am. Stay put.” I release her leg and slap my palm against her ass, stopping to squeeze. “Fuck,” I mutter.

She chuckles softly and the covers rustle behind me.

I grab a bottle of water from the fridge, then return to the bed where she’s stretched out like a damn centerfold, her soft eyes watching my every move. I unscrew the cap and hand her the bottle.

“Be right back.”

She nods and takes a quick sip.

I take a few seconds to clean myself up in the bathroom, then return with a washcloth for her.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“What’s it look like?”

She gasps when I brush the washcloth against her skin.

“Too much?” I ask.

A wrinkle forms between her eyebrows. “My bits are feeling…sensitive. But not opposed to more action.” She flashes a wicked smile. “I don’t think you’re prepared for what you’ve unleashed.”

“Firecracker, I’m more than ready.”


A door slamming in the distance jars me from sleep the next morning. Dex’s heavy arm rests over my stomach, his hand somehow wedged between my thighs.

Possessive, even in his sleep.

Or did we fall asleep in the middle of sex? There was a lot of it. Slippery sex in the shower. Sleepy sex in the middle of the night. Will I even be able to walk today?

He mumbles something as I gently slide out of bed. Clothes? I brought something to sleep in. No idea where it ended up, though.

In the bathroom, I dig through my backpack, searching for my toothbrush. My fingers hit the hard little case and I pull it out. Next, I find a pair of underwear and a tank top.

Minty fresh and partially dressed, I return to the bedroom a few minutes later.

Dex has rolled to his back, the sheet barely covering him, but he seems to still be asleep. I take a second to admire the relaxed, peaceful expression on his handsome face.

Birds singing outside the window draw my attention. I hook my finger in the fabric shade and pull it toward me, peeking outside.

Oh wow.From the second floor, I have a good view of the rolling green mountains stretching beyond the clubhouse’s parking area. I count the roofs of at least three different houses dotting the property. And is that a children’splaygroundover there?

The loudest chirping seems to be coming from a bird feeder hanging on a tree near one of the garages. I recognize Sparky’s tall frame tossing handfuls of birdseed on the ground.

“What a beautiful view to wake up to,” Dex rasps.