Page 97 of A Villain's Kiss


I love you, equal sex?


I wake with a start.

When I turn to see Oriana peacefully lying next to me, a part of my soul sings with happiness it’s never experienced before.

Who would have thought that the woman I saw walking down the aisle to another man would one day be mine?

Because that’s what she is.


I place my hand just above her mouth to check that she’s still breathing. Sighing in relief, I get up. She moans as I move but rolls over onto her bare stomach and goes back to sleep.

I start pacing in the room.

My therapist explained that this would be a big step.

That seeing her here, in my space, would help me.

She would be a fixture.

Now, the thing is, how do I convince her to never leave?

I asked her to marry me again.

She agreed. Though, I doubt she remembers.

I want her to be in my house, in my bed, with my ring on her finger.

That’s how I see her.

And that’s not something I ever envisioned for myself.

If you had asked me a year ago if this was at all possible, I would have laughed and told you to fuck off.

But one bad night for her turned my life on its ass.

To her, that night will always be tainted with bad memories, which just shows how strong and resilient she is that she has overcome them.

And for me…

It brought me her.

The one woman I would give anything.

“Jake.” I turn to see her peering at me. “Are you okay?”

“I didn’t hurt you,” I say, my tone full of awe.

“I know, Jake.” Her voice is soft.

“How could you trust I wouldn’t hurt you?” I ask, walking over to the bed.

She turns and sits back against the headboard, pulling the sheet up to cover her breasts. Not sure why, as they are one of my favorite things to look at, other than her smile, of course.